Reporting - Safety
Hazard Reporting
It is critically important that 51¸£Àû Personnel report all hazards to the safety office. We want to investigate and mediate any hazard discovered to prevent mishaps!
To make it as easy as possible for personnel to report, we have multiple different methods of reporting.
Online "Report a Hazard" Form
Unsafe/Unhealthful Reporting Form
Copies of are available on all Departmental Safety Bulletin boards. Completed forms may be dropped off at our offices, Faxed to 831-656-7710, or emailed to
If you are dissatisfied with the assessment of the alleged hazard made by the Regional Complex OSH office or with actions taken to abate a confirmed hazard, you are encouraged to confer with the Regional Complex OSH office to discuss the matter further. If after the discussion, you are still dissatisfied, an appeal may be made to the cognizant Commanding Officer, Officer in Charge, or ACOS.
The appeal must be in writing and contain at least the following information:
- A description of the alleged hazard including its location and standards violated if known (a copy of the original hazard report will suffice);
- How, when, and to whom the original report of the alleged hazard was submitted; and
- What actions (if known) were taken as a result of the original report.
- A statement explaining why the actions taken as a result of the original report were unsatisfactory and are being appealed.
The CO, OIC, ACOS, or his/her representative, will respond within 10 working days. An interim response be forwarded if the Commander’s investigation is incomplete at this time.
If still dissatisfied or if you have not received a response within 20 working days, you may appeal to the next higher level of command. The sequence of appeals thereafter shall be to:
A. Commander Navy Region Southwest 937 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92132-0058
B. Commander Naval Installations 2713 Mitscher road Ste 300 Anacostia Annex, Washington D.C. 20373-5802
C. Chief of Naval Operations Code N454 Crystal Plaza #5 Room 678 2211 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22244-5180
D. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Installation and Environment 1000 Navy Pentagon Room 4A686 Washington, D.C. 20350-1000
E. Under Secretary of Defense Environmental Security Pentagon Room 3E792 Washington, D.C. 20310
The final appeal authority for military personnel is the Under Secretary of Defense Environment Security.
In the event you are a dissatisfied civilian employee, you may contact, in writing, the Office of Federal Agency Safety Programs, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210. This final appeal must describe in detail, the entire previous processing of appeal and set forth objections thereto. *
Mishap Reporting
3. E-mail Mishap Report Form to
Mishap investigation, reporting and record keeping are critical elements to the Navy’s safety and health efforts. Determining the cause and identifying problem areas can help us better understand how to correct hazardous working conditions. The process can assist us in preventing and/or eliminate future reoccurrences, as well as educating us on the lessons learned.
What is a Mishap and Near-Miss?
A Mishap is defined as any unplanned event that results in personal injury or property damage. There are different reporting proceedures for Mishaps depending on where it happened and if you are a Civilian or Military. The details can be found below on this page.
A Near-Miss is an event that does not result in an injury or damage. However, it is very important that an near-miss be reported to the 51¸£Àû Safety Office so that we can record an investigate near-misses to put corrections in place so they do not become a Mishap. Information on how to report a Near-Miss can be found on our
Injury/Illness Treatment (Civilian Employees Only)
Injury Claims Process for Federal Civilian Employees Serviced by HRO 51¸£Àû. Employees who are injured on the job must immediately report every job-related injury or illness to their supervisor.
To file a claim refer to "Federal Employee's Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation."
Employees/supervisors must notify the Injury Compensation Program Office, HRO at 831-656-2244 of the time of the injury ASAP.
Supervisors are also responsible for notifying their appropriate Safety POC of any mishap.
For further guidance employees/supervisors can contact HRO at 831-656-2244.
Classifications of Mishaps:
Class A Mishap. Fatality or permanent total disability that resulted from a reportable injury or illness; or, a total cost of damages for DoD or non-DoD property of $2.5 million or more.
Class B Mishap. Permanent partial disability that resulted from a reportable injury or illness; hospitalization for inpatient care of three or more personnel as a result of a single mishap (i.e., for mishap reporting purposes only, inpatient care does not include individuals hospitalized for observation, diagnostic or administrative purposes that were treated and released); or, a total cost of damages for DoD or non-DoD property of $600,000 or more, but less than $2.5 million.
Class C Mishap. Nonfatal reportable injury or illness that resulted in the loss of one or more days away from work, not including the day or shift that the mishap occurred (i.e., a Lost-Time Case); or, a total cost of damages for DoD or non-DoD property of $60,000 or more, but less than $600,000.
Class D Mishap. A reportable event in which the resulting total cost of damage to DoD or non-DoD property is $25,000 or more, but less than $60,000; or, an on-duty injury or illness not otherwise classified as a Class A, B or C mishap (e.g., illness or injury that involves medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, light or limited duty for military personnel or restricted work or job transfer for on-duty Navy and Marine Corps civilian employees)
Mishap Program Requirements
This page outlines basic MISHAP reporting program requirements, establishes our policy regarding the reporting and investigation of mishaps and serves as guidance for supervisors to follow to report a mishap. Please note that the content of this page does not serve as a substitute to the following governing Instructions or Regulations:
Any civilian with a work-related illness or injury that involves medical treatment beyond first aid, including light duty and/or lost work time is considered a reportable mishap. In addition, off-duty military mishaps or injuries should also be reported. Reporting is filed (Risk Management Information) or to your program officer if you are a student.
Scope and Applicability: The provisions of this page apply to all Federal civilian employees and Military service members of Naval Support Activity Monterey (NSAM) and its Tenant Commands. All reportable mishaps are required to be submitted into . Requirements:
• All employees have the responsibility to notify their supervisor when a mishap or injury has occurred in the workplace. In addition, all off-duty military injuries shall also be reported.
• Supervisor shall submit a report of mishap or injury via within 3 working days .
• All fatalities shall be reported within 8 hours. Amputations, hospitalizations and loss of an eye shall be reported within 24 hours. Initial telephone reporting for fatalities or sever injuries to the Safety Office.
• Medical assistance will be provided if applicable: Call 911 emergency services in case of serious or life-threatening injuries.
• Supervisor will assist with investigation of mishap in order to determine steps to be taken to prevent recurrences.
For Workers Compensation information and forms please contact the following offices:
• 51¸£Àû civilian mishaps will require Workers’ Compensation Forms that may be accessed by contacting the local HRO Office; or by going to the HRO which has forms, details about responsibilities, and instructions for filing.
• NSA Monterey civilian mishaps will require Workers’ Compensation Forms that may be accessed by contacting CNRSW HRO at (619) 532-1309/1274/3525 or Fax (619) 532-1287
Forms and Publications:
Near-Miss Reporting
Where you almost injured because of a hazard? Then we very much would like to hear about it!
Your "Near-Miss" could lead to someone else having a mishap if we don't investigate and mitigate the hazard!
Near Misses can be reported by emailing a completed to Near-Misses can also be reported through .