Bulletin Boards

Safety Bulletin Board Requirements 






Here is a full list of all of the important items which should be posted on all Safety Bulletin Boards:




This is one of the most important items that needs to be on the board.  It is also an inspectable item and can result in a finding if we are inspected by outside agencies. 

Reference: OSHA 29 CFR 1904.32  Subpart D "Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illness - Annual Summary"

Under the OSHA Recordkeeping regulation (29 CFR 1904), covered employers are required to prepare and maintain records of serious occupational injuries and illnesses, using the OSHA 300 Log. This information is important for employers, workers and OSHA in evaluating the safety of a workplace, understanding industry hazards, and implementing worker protections to reduce and eliminate hazards.


  • Receive workplace safety and health training in a language you understand
  • Work on machines that are safe
  • Receive required safety equipment, such as gloves or a harness and lifeline for falls
  • Be protected from toxic chemicals
  • Request an OSHA inspection, and speak to the inspector
  • Report an injury or illness, and get copies of your medical records
  • Review records of work-related injuries and illnesses
  • See results of tests taken to find workplace hazards
  • To appeal up the chain of command if dissatisfied with hazard mitigation.


  • 1960.10(a) Each employee shall comply with the standards, rules, regulations, and orders issued by his/her agency in accordance with section 19 of the Act, Executive Order 12196, and this part which are applicable to his/her own actions and conduct.

  • 1960.10(b) Employees shall use safety equipment, personal protective equipment, and other devices and procedures provided or directed by the agency and necessary for their protection.


It is important to have these forms available; however, employees may also submit their reports electronically via ESAMS, or they may report a hazard through our newly updated Safety Site:  .  This reporting my be anonymous. 


Reference, Ch 10 .

Submit a report of unsafe or unhealthful working condition. Submit a report of unsafe or unhealthful working condition. Any Navy employee (or employee representative) may submit a report of an unsafe or unhealthful working condition directly to the activity safety office. Navy Employee Report of Unsafe or Unhealthful Working Condition may be used for this purpose.

The Requirement is for the 51 “President’s OSH Policy Statement” (from 51INST 5100.1); If there is space on the boards, then the and the are good to be posted as well but not strictly required.

These are the procedures for if someone is dissatisfied with a recent installation OSH inspection and would like to appeal a finding.  This information is also available on the “Report a Hazard” section of our new site.

Instructions for In Case of Fire

  • Emergencies: (831) 656-2555 (CNRSW Regional Dispatch Center) or dial 911 (cell)

  • N3 Operations: Security Officer (831) 656- 2236

  • Safety: 831-656-7758

  • HAZMAT: 831-656-7661

  • Emergency Operations Center: 831-656-2822

  • Facilities Trouble Desk: 831-656-2526

  • 51 Command Duty Officer (CDO): 831-901-6649, CALMED Public Health: 831-242-4826 or 831-234-9510

Safety Coord Responsibilites

Departmental Safety Coordinators and Representatives



Administrators, managers, supervisors, researchers, students, and professors are all responsible for safety compliance and administration.  The role of the Safety Coordinator and Representative is to be the safety facilitator and coordinator for all safety related items in the department which they have been designated.





Department Safety Coordinators will facilitate and coordinate all safety related items in their department. Administrators, managers, supervisors, researchers, and professors are all responsible for safety compliance and administration. In order to act as the safety point of contact in their department and to help ensure their department is compliant with safety and environmental regulations, Safety Coordinators will become familiar with and follow guidelines in this instruction and it’s associated references. In addition, Safety Coordinators will:

1.  Represent their department at command wide safety meetings.  Separate notification will be given of such meetings by command safety officers.

2.  Serve as the point of contact for their department:

     a.  With 51 Safety and Naval Support Activity Monterey (NSAM) Safety and Environmental, and Industrial Hygiene support personnel for scheduling inspections and required specialty OSH training with various departmental employees.

     b.  For assisting 51 Safety with establishing Medical Surveillance/Occupational Health appointments.

     c.  With the building coordinator and facilities for their department where safety is a concern.

3.  Safety and Environmental Maintenance:

     a.  Assist Principal Investigators and other responsible individuals in maintaining Safety and Environmental standards within their department or assigned areas.  This includes ensuring maintenance of all departmental safety equipment and postings, such as safety bulletins and caution, warning, and danger signs, posters, and labels.

     b.  Assist Principal Investigators and other responsible individuals in developing and maintaining departmental safety Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).

 4.  Safety and Environmental Training and Awareness:

      a.  Attend Introduction to Navy Occupational Safety and Health (A-493-0050) offered through the Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center within six months of appointment.  Contact 51 Safety for the course schedule and registration.  Provide 51 Safety with a copy of the completion certificate. 

      b.  Provide new employees with information concerning unique departmental safety issues, SOPs, and emergency procedures.  Facilitate informing all personnel emergency procedures and phone numbers provided through 51 and NSAM instructions. 

       c.  Track and assist supervisors in providing quarterly recreational off-duty safety and monthly "Safety Talks" training.  Presentation material will be provided by the 51 and NSAM Safety Offices.  Training will be in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Training Plan and chapter six of reference (a).

       d.  Ensure staff who work with hazardous or regulated machines, materials, equipment, or processes such as (but not limited to) lasers, radiation, nanomaterials, controlled biological agents, explosives, are included in safety training programs.

       e.  Facilitate safety supervisor training through ESAMS for any person who supervises one or more personnel.  This is generally intended for personnel E5 and above.

       f.  Check to ensure all safety related training is documented in ESAMS.  Advise all supervisors to document training in ESAMS.  Maintain training for a period of five years, unless otherwise directed.

5.  Inspections:

      a.  Accommodate professional occupational safety and health routine workplace inspections for staff personnel.

      b.  Perform safety related workplace assessments when needed.

      c.  Ensure all departmental eyewash/shower facilities are checked weekly and have documentation.

      d.  Track monthly departmental work space inspections conducted by space owners to assist the 51 Safety Office in ensuring compliance with the Life Safety Code, NFPA 101.

6.  Process and track NAVOSH Deficiency Notices and associated work requests.  Notify and work with the 51 Safety Office on all safety related deficiencies and requests.

7.  Assist departmental supervisors, 51 Safety Office with mishap investigations and reporting.

8.  Advise supervisors and personnel to report to the Respiratory Program Manager and Medical Surveillance Program Manager if they require use of a respirator.  Report all known personnel who use a respirator to these managers.  Personnel who wear a respirator must receive respiratory protection training and fit testing upon assignment and annually thereafter.  Supervisors of personnel in this category must also, at a minimum, receive the same training.

9.  Assume all responsibilities of the safety representative when no safety representative is appointed for the department.

Department Safety Representatives will assist the safety coordinator for all safety related items in their department. Administrators, managers, supervisors, researchers, and professors are all responsible for safety compliance and administration. In order to assist in ensuring their department is compliant with safety and environmental regulations, Safety Representatives will become familiar with and follow guidelines in reference 3001.1. In addition, Safety Representatives will:

 1.  Attend command wide safety meetings.  Separate notification will be given of such meetings by command Safety Officers.

 2.  Serve as the alternate department point of contact for various safety items when necessary (i.e. safety inspections, medical surveillance coordination, facilities when safety and environmental is a concern).

 3.  Safety and Environmental Maintenance:

      a.  Assist the safety coordinator in maintaining safety and environmental standards within your department or assigned areas.

      b.  Assist Principal Investigators and other responsible individuals in maintaining all departmental safety, caution, warning, danger, signs, posters, labels, etc.

      c.  Serve as the departmental focal point for assisting in ordering and issuing personal protective equipment.

      d.  Maintain safety bulletin boards with current information.  All safety bulletin board items are provided by the 51 Safety Office.

 4.  Safety and Environmental Training and Awareness:

      a.  Recommend attending Introduction to Navy Occupational Safety and Health (A-493-0050) offered through the Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center within six months of appointment.  Contact the 51 Safety Office for the course schedule and registration.  Provide the 51 Safety Office with a copy of the completion certificate.

      b.  Coordinate and track safety training progress on all employees and provide reports to the Department Chair and 51 Safety Office.  Initial training requirements include Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Programs, Hazard Communication (HAZCOM), Ergonomics, and Operational Risk Management (ORM).  NAVOSH Programs, HAZCOM, and Ergonomics are provided through the Enterprise Safety Applications Management System (ESAMS).  ORM is provided through NKO, with a link from ESAMS.

      c.  Assist the Safety Coordinator with tracking quarterly recreational off-duty safety and monthly "Safety Talks" training that is provided by supervisors.

      d.  Document all safety related training in ESAMS.  Maintain training for a period of five years, unless otherwise directed.

4.  Inspections:

      a.  Assist the Safety Coordinator in performing safety related workplace assessments when needed.

      b.  Check all departmental eyewash/shower facilities weekly using the 51 Eyewash/Shower Safety checklist—document check. 

      c.  Assist the safety coordinator in tracking monthly departmental work space inspections that are conducted by space owners to assist the 51 Safety Office in ensuring compliance with the Life Safety Code, NFPA 101.

5.  Assist the safety coordinator in tracking NAVOSH deficiency notices and associated work requests.

6.  Report all known personnel who use a respirator to the safety coordinator or the 51 Safety Office if unavailable.

Rep and Coord Differences


What is the difference between a Safety Representative and Safety Coordinator?



Safety Coordinators have the primary responsibility for safety within their departments and Safety Representatives assist them or serve as an alternate point of contact when the Safety Coordinator is not available. 


Not all Departments have Safety Representatives designated for them.  They are primarily reserved for large departments that need additional help to fully cover.

Training Requirements

Training Requirements


Reference: OPNAVINST 5100.23G   0602 e. (2)

As a minimum, military and or civilian personnel assigned collateral duty responsibilities for safety management, that is not part of a regional SOH program, shall satisfactorily complete the NAVSAFENVTRACEN course, Introduction to Navy Occupational Safety and Health (Ashore), A-493-0050.


This training is required for Safety Coordinators and recommended for Safety Representatives.









The course content includes terms, principles, concepts, and requirements for mishap prevention; safety, environmental, and occupational health programs in the Navy; fundamentals of mishap causation; and hazard recognition, evaluation and control. Also included are specific safety programs such as mishap investigation and reporting, occupational safety and health standards, hazard abatement, respiratory protection, hearing conservation, sight conservation, ergonomics, energy control, the basic Operational Risk Management (ORM) process, job safety analysis, and confined space entry, M/V and off-duty safety.

The training spans three days with a mandatory one hour long VTC each day.  To enroll, please go to CANTRAC to look up the available sets and schedules for a date that works with you: 

When you find a date that you would like to enroll in, send an email with the Subject line “Quota Request” to: Tschrquotas@navy.mil

Be sure to include…

Email address:
DoD ID#: 
Our UIC: 62271
CIN: A-493-0550
Date of course requested:

Designated Coordinators


Safety Coordinator Designation Letters

doc search



Every department typically has a Safety Coordinator assigned to it in writing.  If you have reason to believe designation letters are not current, then please notify the 51 Safety Office.