Wargaming / Exercise Support

Tabletop Exercise Support

Through growing partnerships, the EAG conducts and supports tabletop exercises and wargames with allies and partner nations on energy security, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, information operations, resilience, hybrid threats, and others.

Coherent Resilience (CORE) 2017:

  • Focused on Hybrid threats from near peer to Ukrainian critical energy infrastructure (Electricity)
  • First national-level table-top exercise; conducted in Kiev, Ukraine
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence, Ukraine’s National Institute for Strategy Studies, and Ukrenergo

CORE 2018:

  • Focused on Hybrid threats from near peer to critical energy infrastructure (military fuel supply)
  • Baltic Region scenario; conducted in Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence

CORE 2019:

  • Focused on Hybrid threats from near peer to critical energy infrastructure (gas supply)
  • Baltic Region scenario; conducted in Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence

CORE 2021: 

  • Focused on hybrid threats and energy security in the Black Sea
  • Conducted in Odessa, Ukraine
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence, Ukraine’s National Institute for Strategic Studies, Ukrenegro

CORE 2021: 

  • Focused on focused on the resiliency of the Baltic States consumers’ electricity supply against hybrid attacks
  • Baltic Region scenario; conducted in Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence 

CORE 2022: 

  • Focused on energy systems resilience
  • Conducted in Tbilisi, Georgia
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence and Georgia’s Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development

CORE-CEPS 2022: 

  • Focused on resilience of the Central European Pipeline Systems against cyber attacks 
  • Conducted in Versailles, France
  • Partnered with NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence 

Energy Resilience and Readiness Tabletop Exercise 2023:

  • Focused on response and recovery during a 72-hour base-wide outage 
  • Conducted in Rota, Spain
  • Partnered with US Naval Station Rota

CORE 2023: 

  • To be conducted in Latvia

Operational Energy Management Exercise 

The EAG conducts an annual OE exercise as part of the Energy Efficiency in Military Operations Course (EEMOC) course in Vilnius, Lithuania.  

Scenario: In this exercise, students assume the role of an Operational Energy Officer responsible for optimizing the deployment of energy assets at three battalion-sized camps and one brigade-sized camp. Students are given a limited budget to purchase energy generation assets to include hybrid and renewables and configure the best generation assets to pair with each facility on the base to improve fuel efficiency and reduce generator fuel demand. 

Exercise Objectives:

  • Students learn how to select the best electrical generation assets to pair with different facility loads to optimize efficiency of conventional diesel generators.  
  • Students are introduced to new and emerging energy technologies and learn to deploy these assets in tandem with conventional generators to reduce fuel demand at forward operating bases.

Wargaming Support

The EAG collaborates with 51¸£Àû’s Wargaming Center and offers tailored courses to educate a specialized cadre on wargaming fundamentals in the areas of energy security, critical infrastructure protection, hybrid threats, and resilience.

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