Seminar - 01272017

Dr. Emily MeierdingThe Pecan St. Project Data: The Rapid Evolution of Residential Energy Systems

January 27, 2017
ME Lecture Hall

Mr. Bert Haskell

Chief Technology Officer, Pecan St Inc., University of Texas, Austin


This presentation will inform the audience about the benefits of collecting and analyzing high-resolution energy data, and will review some of Pecan Streets conclusions and initiatives based on this data. Topics covered will include: the impact of “Internet of Things” (IoT) on the distribution grid, the emergence of the energy prosumer, and approaches to developing new energy based products and services for residential customers.


Bert Haskell is Chief Technology Officer of Pecan Street Inc. Headquartered at The University of Texas. Pecan Street operates the Pike Powers Laboratory and Center for Commercialization, and the Pecan Street Research Institute. (The Institute is the nation’s most significant creator of original customer energy use research data available to the research community.) Pecan Street Inc. is a research and development organization focused on developing and testing advanced technology, business models, and customer behavior surrounding advanced energy management systems. The flagship effort is the Pecan Street Demonstration, a smart grid research project that began in Austin’s Mueller community. Pecan Street’s specific research expertise consists of creating, managing, protecting, analyzing and responsibly sharing the highest quality original research data on how customers use electricity, natural gas and water in their homes and businesses. The Pike Powers Laboratory and Center for Commercialization offers specialized capabilities for developing, testing and validating a wide range of smart grid, distributed energy and consumer electronics hardware and software.

Previously, he had been working in technology and product development since starting his career in 1984 with Eastman Kodak. There, he worked for five years as an electronics manufacturing process development engineer while earning his master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Rochester. Bert then worked for nine years at the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corp. (MCC) in Austin, concluding his tenure there as vice president of portable electronics product research. Since 2000, he has held product development, product marketing and advisory rolls at a number of start-up companies including Stellar Display Corporation, Wireless Age, Motion Computing, Portelligent and most recently, Heliovolt, where he was director of product development for copper indium gallium selenide solar cell (CIGS) based thin-film photovoltaic modules. His current interest is in residential micro-grids and achieving societal resilience through distributed infrastructure.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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