Seminar - 05042018

Speaker photoModeling and Simulation of Army Operational Energy

May 4, 2018
ME Lecture Hall

Mr. Morris G. Hayes Jr.

Research Analyst, U.S. Army TRADOC Analysis Center, Fort Lee VA (TRAC-LEE)



The Operational Energy (OE) Analysis Task Force (OEATF) was initiated in 2012 to establish a foundational OE analytic capability leading to an OE analysis architecture capable of informing Army decisions related to OE impacts on organization, materiel, and/or operations. The OEATF leveraged existing Army analytic methods, models, and tools (MMT) to develop this OE foundational analytic capability and leverages extensive Army analytic community experience to assess impacts that changes to equipment, organizational structure and/or doctrine have on operational energy requirements and their subsequent impact to sustainment and mission effectiveness. This presentation will provide information on the OEATF, its OE modeling and simulation (M&S) capabilities and the application of those capabilities in support of Army acquisition and modernization.  


Mr. Hayes has been an Operations Research Analyst at the U.S. Army TRADOC Analysis Center at Fort Lee, VA, (TRAC-LEE) since March,1999.  His focus and area of expertise are logistics and sustainment analysis in support of Army programs, acquisition, and doctrine development.  During his time at TRAC-LEE, he served as the study director for the analysis of alternatives (AoA) of two major Army programs, the Future Cargo Aircraft and the Light Utility Helicopter.  He has also served as the lead sustainment analyst for the AoA of several major Army programs including the Future Combat System and the Ground Combat Vehicle.  Mr. Hayes is currently serving as Division Chief, Modeling Analysis Division, at TRAC-LEE, and the co-lead for the Army Operational Energy Analysis Task Force.

Mr. Hayes earned a Bachelor of Science Degree (with a concentration in Chemistry) from the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, and a Master of Science Degree in Operations Research and Systems Analysis (ORSA) from the 51福利 (51福利) in Monterey, California.  He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Armor Branch of the U.S. Army in 1983.  After 12 years on active duty he transitioned to a civilian career as an industrial engineer for General Motors Corporation in Saginaw, Michigan.  In 1999 he returned to government service as a civilian at TRAC-LEE, where he has been ever since.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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