Seminar - 03152013

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Small Modular Nuclear Reactors for the Future: The Babcock & Wilcox "mPower" Reactor

March 15, 2013
ME Auditorium

Jeff A. Halfinger

Project Manager 
Nuclear Operations Group
Babcock & Wilcox


This seminar will describe the Babcock & Wilcox Company mPowerâ„¢ reactor concept, which is a scalable, modular, passively safe, advanced light water reactor system. This reactor features a four-year operating cycle without the need for refueling, and is designed to produce clean, zero-emission operations. Generating capacity can be added in 180 MWe increments to match our customers' load growth projections. B&W subsidiary Babcock & Wilcox mPower, Inc. will lead the development, licensing and delivery of B&W mPower reactor projects. Features of the B&W mPower reactor include: integral nuclear system design; passive safety systems; underground containment; four-year operating cycle between refueling; scalable, modular design is flexible/scaleable for local needs; less than five percent enriched uranium; and north American shop-manufactured. The modular and scalable design of the B&W mPower reactor will meet the generation needs of our customers with the proven performance of existing light water reactor technology. Several reactor modules can be installed to support the customer requirements and infrastructure constraints. The B&W mPower reactor will reduce risks associated with deploying nuclear power and become a flexible, cost-effective solution to the U.S. energy needs while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Each B&W mPower reactor brought online will contribute to the reduction of approximately 57 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, compared to those created by other forms of energy generation, over the life of the reactor.


Jeffrey A. Halfinger is the Vice President, NSSS Technology Development for the B&W mPowerâ„¢ reactor development, located at the Babcock & Wilcox Company in Lynchburg, VA.  B&W is a $2.7 billion revenue company providing products and services to power generation and government operations customers.  B&W has 12,000 employees and an additional 10,000 in joint ventures in locations worldwide.

As Vice President of NSSS Technology Development, Mr. Halfinger is responsible for the overall program execution to develop and license the mPower Nuclear Island. The project team, under the direction of Mr. Halfinger, has successfully concluded the conceptual design phase of the program and initiated the preliminary design and licensing activities.

Prior to becoming the Vice President, NSSS Technology Development, Mr. Halfinger was the Program Manager for Uranium Processing Services at the B&W Nuclear Operations Group, Inc.  In this position, he was responsible for the development of advanced fuel systems for such programs as the High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor, in support of the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) and NASA’s Project Prometheus, a nuclear-powered spaceship for the exploration of the moons of Jupiter.

Mr. Halfinger also served as Manager of Development Engineering, responsible for the development of the nuclear reactor for the advanced aircraft carrier program, in addition to fuel development activities.  Mr. Halfinger is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering, and has been with The Babcock & Wilcox Company for more than 28 years, holding various engineering and management positions.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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