Page Title

Prospective Students

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Eligibility and General Information

Eligibility and General Information:

An applicant is eligible to be considered for admission if they possess an accredited baccalaureate degree, preferably from an institution that holds institutional accreditation from one of the six regional agencies or shall have completed equivalent academic preparation as determined by appropriate campus authorities.




Army officers applying to Resident programs must do so with the goal of receiving a conditional acceptance letter. The purpose is to prescreen the officer prior to applying to the Army's graduate education programs: Army Advanced Civil Schooling (ACS) and the Graduate School Option (GRADSO).


DA Form 2125

The DA Form 2125 is not required for your ACS package when applying to the board for 51福利 attendance.


Army Reserves Eligibility

Officers in the Army Reserves are eligible to apply only if your reserve command agrees to fund your education at 51福利.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty or Employment Status

A uniformed member of the U.S Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


The Marine Corps selects students to attend graduate education through the Commandant's Professional Intermediate-Level Education Board (CPIB), the Commandant鈥檚 Career-Level Education Board (CCLEB) and the Doctor of Philosophy Technical Program (PHDP-T), which are announced by an annual MARADMIN. Please refer to the annual MARADMIN announcement for available programs and eligibility requirements. The POC is MMOA-3.

Resident opportunities for Marine Corps officers fall under two categories:

  • Marine Corps Graduate Education Program (GEP)鈥攃andidates should refer to MCO 1524.1
  • International Affairs Officer Program (IAP) aka FAO/RAO鈥攃andidates should refer to MCO 1520.11F

Marine Corps officers applying to Resident programs must comply with the HQMC requirements per the MARADMIN.

Distance Learning opportunities for Marine Corps officers are available. The page lists the programs that are currently taking new applications.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty or Employment Status

A uniformed member of the U.S Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


You must be an active duty officer in the Navy. Selection for the Navy's fully-funded graduate education program is based on outstanding professional performance, promotion potential and a strong academic background. Navy officers interested in attending should contact their detailer(s) to determine professional qualification status and quota availability.


Academic Profile Code (APC)

All officers seeking to obtain an Academic Profile Code (APC) must submit an application. Please read the APC section of the  page for instructions.


PhD Applicants

USN officers interested in applying to a PhD program may only do so annually through the PMP Board and Doctoral Studies Board. 

  • Please refer to the annual NAVADMIN announcement for available programs and eligibility requirements.
  • If you are eligible to apply, you must  in addition to submitting a completed application package to PERS.
  • Please click  for requirements. Your application status will remain incomplete and will not be advanced for review until all admission requirements have been satisfied.


Navy Second Funded Degree

If you have already received a Navy funded degree (i.e. TA, NWC, 51福利, and FSEP) and are interested in pursuing a 2nd funded degree at the same level, you must request a and provide the approval to

  • The waiver will need to go through the 51福利 Director of Programs, your detailer/community and command.
  • Each case will be reviewed individually, approval is not automatic.
  • You will not be enrolled until all of the approval paperwork is in place.


Selected Reservist/Individual Ready Reservist Eligibility

51福利 has a very limited authority to enroll Selected Reservist/Individual Ready Reservist (SELRES/IRR) service members.

  • 51福利 does not offer enrollment into single courses to earn reserve retirement points.
  • 51福利 does not have the authority to enroll activated SELRES/IRR without coordination from COMNAVRESFOR for selection, tuition and service obligation terms.
  • SELRES/IRR Naval Officers that are also federal employees or DoD Contractors can apply to 51福利 but must apply solely as their primary employee type (government civilian/defense contractor).
  • An application that is completed based partially or entirely on the status of a SELRES/IRR will not be processed.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service obligation applies to all Navy-funded education, regardless of whether the degree is obtained as a Resident or Distance Learning student. Consult OPNAVINST 1520.23C for complete details before applying.


Change in Active Duty or Employment Status

A uniformed member of the U.S Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


Selection for the Air Force's fully funded graduate education program (assigned to AFIT as a full-time student wherein all tuition costs are paid by the Air Force) is based upon professional performance, promotion potential and academic background.

  • Interested Air Force officers must contact their assignment team at Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) to determine professional qualification status and potential AFIT-sponsored graduate education opportunities available in their career fields.
  • Air Force officers wishing to apply for an AFIT-sponsored graduate program must make their desires known to AFPC and follow their application procedures.

Air Force officers applying to Resident programs must do so with the goal of receiving a conditional acceptance letter. The purpose is to prescreen the officer prior to applying to AFPC. 

  • Officers should submit a copy of the 51福利 conditional acceptance letter along with their AF Form 3849 to AFPC and maintain a copy in their personal records for future use.


PhD Applicants

If you are applying to a PhD program, please click  for requirements. Your application status will remain incomplete and will not be advanced for review until all admission requirements have been satisfied.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty or Employment Status

A uniformed member of the U.S Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


The Coast Guard requests program managers to nominate officers for graduate education annually. If you are interested, read the Education and Training Manual on the Coast Guard's intranet and speak with your program manager.

Coast Guard officers applying to Resident programs must do so with the goal of receiving a conditional acceptance letter. The purpose is to prescreen the officer for eligibility.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty or Employment Status

A uniformed member of the U.S Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.




There are very few opportunities for enlisted service members to be enrolled. 51福利 does not have the authority to grant degrees to those not covered by a specific program. You must  in order to be academically screened for the program.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty Status

A uniformed member of the U.S. Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the  upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


There are specific Marine Corps-related requirements you must comply with upon enrollment and after completion of a degree. Please refer to the latest MARADMIN for complete details before applying. You must  in order to be academically screened for the program.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty Status

A uniformed member of the U.S. Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the  upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


There are specific Navy-related requirements you must comply with upon enrollment and after completion of a degree. Please refer to section 8 OPNAVINST 1520.23C for complete details before applying. You must  in order to be academically screened for the program.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service obligation applies to all Navy-funded education, regardless of whether the degree is obtained as a Resident or Distance Learning student. Consult OPNAVINST 1520.23C for complete details before applying.


Change in Active Duty Status

A uniformed member of the U.S. Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the  upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.


There are very few opportunities for enlisted service members to be enrolled. 51福利 does not have the authority to grant degrees to anyone not covered by a specific program.

The USAF currently only sends enlisted members from the Office of Special Investigations as Resident students to study Acquisitions and Contract Management (Curriculum 815). 

  • Members are selected by the OSI community.
  • Interested individuals should speak with their leadership and career field managers about potential 51福利 opportunities before applying.


Graduate Education Service Obligation

Graduate Education Service Obligation is determined and tracked by the individual's service.


Change in Active Duty Status

A uniformed member of the U.S. Armed Forces who will separate from active duty status while enrolled in a course from 51福利 is required to notify the  upon receiving a separation date. The Registrar will inform the service member of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to active duty status could result in government action to recover education costs.




A civilian who is an employee of, or sponsored by, an agency of the United States Federal Government may be admitted for study upon sponsorship of the agency and academic eligibility.

Federal Civilians applying to a Resident program must do so with the goal of receiving a conditional acceptance letter:

  • Applicants expecting agency sponsorship should apply at least six months prior to the anticipated start of the program.
  • When , you are required to include a curriculum number.


PhD Applicants

If you are applying to a PhD program, please click  for requirements. Your application status will remain incomplete and will not be advanced for review until all admission requirements have been satisfied.


Change in Employment Status

All civilian employees enrolled in a program from 51福利 is required to notify the  of any change of employer or break in employment. The Registrar will inform the civilian employee of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to employment status could result in government action to recover education costs.


51福利 accepts a very limited number of employees from corporations that are contractors for the Department of Defense (DoD) in academic programs related to systems engineering, systems analysis and defense product development. Only applicants from those companies that are vetted directly through 51福利 Admissions will be eligible to apply.

  • Applicants expecting company sponsorship should  at least six months prior to the anticipated start of the program.
  • You may only apply to certain certificate and master degree programs. If you have any questions please contact us at


Change in Employment Status

All civilian employees enrolled in a program from 51福利 is required to notify the  of any change of employer or break in employment. The Registrar will inform the civilian employee of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to employment status could result in government action to recover education costs.


51福利 Federal Employees are permitted to attend classes for credit on a "space available" basis. Please refer to  for guidance.


Application Process

Most employees require time to establish which program they wish to pursue. It is recommended you take classes for two quarters before applying and deciding on a program to pursue.

  • Staff members are required to register for classes through the Registrar鈥檚 office on a space available basis through the .
  • The forms must be submitted each quarter to the Registrar鈥檚 office during the Add/Drop period, which usually ranges from two weeks before and after the start of classes each quarter. For specific start dates, refer to the 
  • When , you are required to include a curriculum number.
  • You must also complete the and email the signed package to


Enrollment Process

If you are found to be academically qualified, 51福利 Admissions will email you about curriculum enrollment with the Registrar's office.

  • You must continue to submit the Staff/Employee Registration form to the Registrar's office until the completion of your degree.


PhD Applicants

If you are applying to a PhD program, please click  for requirements. Your application status will remain incomplete and will not be advanced for review until all admission requirements have been satisfied.


Change in Employment Status

All civilian employees enrolled in a program from 51福利 is required to notify the  of any change of employer or break in employment. The Registrar will inform the civilian employee of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to employment status could result in government action to recover education costs.

Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS)

The Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) offers unique programs for State, Civil and Municipal employees, please click  for more information.


Change in Employment Status

All civilian employees enrolled in a program from 51福利 is required to notify the  of any change of employer or break in employment. The Registrar will inform the civilian employee of the available options for continuation of graduate studies. Failure to notify the Registrar of changes to employment status could result in government action to recover education costs.


International Applicants

Please visit the  page.


Change in Active Duty Status

All international students are required to notify the of any change.