Women, Peace, & Security - Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Leadership
Women, Peace, & Security Committee
The WPS Committee seeks to facilitate the integration of National and DoD WPS policy into 51¸£Àû education programs in a variety of ways to include: contributing to activities designed to inform, train, and educate the 51¸£Àû community about WPS efforts and objectives; conducting research and curriculum development on topics of relevance, and collaborating with other U.S. government, non-government and academic organizations and U.S. government’s allied and partner nations’ governments; representing 51¸£Àû at conferences and events; responding to data calls; and synchronizing efforts with Department of the Navy (DON) WPS points of contact, DOD Joint Staff (JS), JS Global Policy and Partnerships, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) for Policy, Stability & Humanitarian Affairs (the lead DOD entities for WPS). The Committee actively contributes to the compilation of annual reports on WPS topics in 51¸£Àû response to SECDEF and DON data calls.
Read the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Committee Charter (PDF).
Join the Conversation!
Please contact us with your feedback, suggestions, or questions regarding inclusion and diversity at 51¸£Àû.