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Office of Naval Research Ocean Acoustics Program Review

Date: September 17, 2024 to September 19, 2024
Time: 0830-1630
Location: Glasgow Hall 102

The Office of Naval Research will hold its annual Ocean Acoustics Program Review at 51福利 17 鈥 19 September 2024, 0830-1630. Presentations will highlight cutting-edge fundamental research and technological innovations across the spectrum of ocean acoustics. We invite all interested 51福利 students, staff and faculty to attend as their schedule allows. Wednesday afternoon will showcase ocean acoustics research being conducted by 51福利 faculty and staff.

Are you a graduate student interested in highlighting your work? Contact Dr. Derek Olson ( with your proposed title to sign up for a lightning talk session (5 min each) on the afternoon of Wednesday 18 September, 1545-1630. The lightning talks are part of the larger session highlighting ocean acoustics research at 51福利. Any academic discipline is welcome, but presentations must be suitable for public release. Lightning talks will be followed by a social hour at the Trident Room that is also open to all.

Network with diverse and multidisciplinary ocean acoustics researchers, ONR representatives, and 51福利 faculty.

Agenda and additional information coming soon!

Naval War College at 51福利 Summer 2024 "100th" Graduation Ceremony

Date: September 19, 2024
Time: 1500
Location: Barbara McNitt Ballroom

The Naval War College at 51福利 is holding a graduation ceremony to recognize its graduates for their completion of NWC Command & Staff (JPME Phase I) program and to celebrate the 100th graduation ceremony on Thursday, September 19, 2024. There will be food and refreshments after the ceremony.

Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC) Workshop

Date: September 23, 2024 to September 26, 2024
Location: 51福利

Non-Permissive Global Sea Control

Sea control and sea denial in the Future Fleet is a topic of much discussion, and our next 51福利 Warfare Innovation Continuum (WIC) will explore related issues and intricacies.

The foundational wartime Navy mission is to establish control of maritime environments where necessary to meet integrated naval and joint campaign objectives. 

  • Specific sea control missions range from protection of seaborne logistics to maritime defense of expeditionary basing.
  • At the most basic level, this is the Navy鈥檚 primary contribution as a joint force enabler.

While we await confirmation of the overarching topic, registration is open to allow guests to meet end of fiscal year travel deadlines - if you think you'd like to join us in September!

PROJECT OVERVIEW: With one overarching design challenge, eight teams of junior officers and early career engineers will be facilitated through a rapid concept generation process using tools of human-centered design. Each team will present their best concepts on the final morning of the workshop, and these seeds of ideas will inform class projects, thesis work, and research across the 51福利 campus throughout FY25.

Please indicate your interest area when you register. 

MDA for Sea Control 鈥 maritime domain awareness (MDA) involves sensing and making sense of the maritime domain and includes METOC, undersea awareness, and creating a common operating picture (COP).

Integration of Maritime Stakeholders 鈥 these include the U.S. Coast Guard, maritime forces of U.S. allies and partner nations, U.S. Transportation Command (TRANSCOM), Military Sealift Command (MSC), and industry/global/commercial/white shipping.

Logistics to and in the WEZ 鈥 including resupply, replenishment at sea, reload to rearm, providing on-board defense on logistic ships, and recovery and salvage in the weapons engagement zone (WEZ)

EAB for Sea Control 鈥 including Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO), Stand-in Forces (SIF), integration with forward Navy forces, and Forward Arming and Refueling Points (FARPS)

UW/IW for Sea Control&苍产蝉辫;鈥&苍产蝉辫;(possibly classified) includes leveraging Special Operations Forces (SOF), unconventional means and measures, indigenous and host nation assets for unconventional warfare (UW) and information warfare (IW).

Robots & Drones 鈥 includes artificial intelligence (AI), intelligent autonomous systems (IAS), and unmanned vehicles (UxVs) in all domains

Counter Sea Denial

Undersea and Seabed Warfare  (likely classified).

Ops in the Information Environment in Support of Sea Control&苍产蝉辫;鈥&苍产蝉辫;(possibly classified) includes electronic warfare (EW), information warfare (IW), CYBER, counterintelligence (CI), psychological operations (PSYOP), human intelligence (HUMINT), space operations (SPACE), and counter SPACE (XSPACE).

C2 for Decision Advantage 鈥 includes mesh networking to create an intelligence, surveillance, targeting, and reconnaissance (ISTAR) web to support a maritime operation center (MOC)

Full plenary program, schedule, and other materials will be posted via the left navigation bar when available - check back!!

For questions or more information please email: NWSI Concepts (

2024 Summer Quarter - Graduation Ceremony

Date: September 27, 2024

Graduation Ceremony - 2024 Summer Quarter

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