51福利 HM Responsibilities

51福利 HAZMAT Responsibilities

51福利 President

Assigns responsibilities for implementation and management of the Hazardous Material Control and Management Plan. Responsible for compliance and execution of hazardous material control and management.

NSA Monterey Commanding Officer

Ensures HAZMAT personnel training and shipping capability is maintained for the installation and documented in ESAMS. Responsible for overall hazardous materials control and management on the installation.

NAVFAC Public Works Officer (PWO), Installation Environmental Program Director (IEPD), and HAZWASTE (HW) Program Manager

  1. Ensure contract clauses routed through NAVFAC for HM are submitted with solicitations and are updated accordingly.
  2. Ensure contract language directs contractors to comply with the policies of the HAZWASTE Plan and this 51福利 Hazmat Plan.
  3. Ensure HM and HW from contractors is properly handled and removed from 51福利 areas at the completion of the contract.
  4. Include 51福利 OSHE Director and HAZMAT Control Manager in any inspections, HW directed actions, or deficiency citations to ensure coordinated information and resolution.
  5. Review HM Authorized Use List (AUL) requests for environmental requirements.
  6. Coordinate pollution prevention (P2) and HW minimization efforts with 51福利 OSHE staff and HAZMAT representatives.
  7. Provide the HAZMAT Control Manager with an inventory of all material received for disposal.
  8. Assist 51福利 departments with HW questions, initial spill kits, and spill planning.
  9. Provide technical assistance in emergency response.
  10. Provide specific training to HAZMAT Representatives to enable them to fulfill their duties as specified in references the 51福利 HM Plan, and documented in ESAMS.
  11. Provide approval or disapproval of any proposed storage site for HW onboard 51福利.

BUMED Assigned Industrial Hygienist (BUMED IH)

Assist with industrial hygiene support in all uses of HM, evaluate possible exposure to personnel at 51福利, and assist in chemical hygiene plan and SOP development.

51福利 OSHE Director

  1. Serve on the HAZMAT Committee as an active participant in evaluating possible substitution or modification of processes to reduce HM use.
  2. Supervise evaluations of workplace hazards and oversee management of NAVOSH programs.
  3. Comply with the requirements outlined in the 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.

51福利 Contracting Department

  1. Provide assistance in returning shipments to the vendor that do not meet the standards of this instruction.
  2. Ensure Purchasing Branch personnel are aware of and abide by the requirements of this HAZMAT Plan, especially Sections 6a and 6b.
  3. Ensure contract clauses routed through 51福利 Contracting for HM are submitted with bid solicitations and are updated accordingly.
  4. Ensure contract language directs contractors to comply with the policies of the NSAM HAZWASTE Plan and this 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.
  5. During bid solicitation, require contractors and/or vendors ensure that Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) copies will be provided for all HM.

51福利 Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators:

  1. Ensure compliance with this HAZMAT Plan.
  2. Ensure HAZMAT control considerations for environment, safety, and health are included in the earliest stages of research planning, project budgeting, and acquisition.
  3. Nominate departmental HAZMAT representatives for designation by the 51福利 President, and provide HAZMAT representatives with sufficient resources, including training, materials, equipment, and time allocation, for these delegated responsibilities.
  4. Ensure HAZCOM and Chemical Hygiene Plan requirements are proactively met.
  5. Comply with all applicable requirements in the 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.
  6. Ensure compliance with this 51福利 HAZMAT Plan in assigned departmental areas.
  7. Ensure proper procedures for storage, handling, and use of HM are adhered to.
  8. Maintain an accurate HM/HW inventory for assigned spaces. Update the inventory at a minimum of once a month.
  9. Ensure users are aware of safety data sheets (SDS) and coordinate job-specific HAZCOM and chemical hygiene training for hazard information, protective measures, and control requirements associated with the HM being used.
  10. Ensure users are familiar with proper emergency procedures for any HAZMAT incident pertaining to the HM they are authorized to use.
  11. Ensure emergency information is posted in accordance with NSAM Installation Emergency Plan ("Red Plan").
  12. Ensure items are properly labeled both upon receipt and during the lifecycle of use.
  13. Ensure proper training records are kept for all users.
  14. Ensure all HM items are used only in designated locations.
  15. Ensure all HW disposal is conducted in accordance with 
  16. Maintain copies of SDS for all HM stored in spaces under your purview, filing them numerically per the 51福利 assigned HM identity/assigned SDS numbers.

51福利 Employees

  1. Comply with the requirements of the 51福利 HAZMAT Plan
  2. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and engineering controls provided, and seek clarification from supervisors or HAZMAT representatives regarding any questions concerning the HM/HW programs.

51福利 HAZMAT Committee

  1. Ensure seamless integration of the NSAM and 51福利 HM and HW programs. Provide recommendations to the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager, OSHE Director, and CHO on all aspects of the 51福利 HAZMAT program involving HM and HW controls, safe practices, training, industrial health, hygiene policies, and environmental concerns.
  2. Annually review 51福利's operations involving HM and recommend AUL additions and/or deletions to the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager; consider substituting AUL HM items with less hazardous materials that have multiple uses.
  3. Advise the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager on procedures to develop, conduct, review, edit, audit, and approve 51福利's AUL and substitution for less hazardous materials.
  4. Meet quarterly or upon the call of the committee chair, whichever is the shortest timeframe between meetings.
  5. Request approval or disapproval of any proposed storage site for HM and HW onboard 51福利. Maintain a list of each approved storage location.
  6. Support 51福利's policy to minimize stocks of HM and the resultant HW by reviewing internal HAZMAT Control Manager Program assessments and audits, monitoring HM and HW trends, and recommending improvement(s) that increase the program's effectiveness.
  7. Make recommendations for locating MSDS/SDSs for worker access and for local exemptions and exclusions of occupations and locations involved with HM; e.g., administrative offices.

51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager

  1. Assist 51福利 in complying with HM/HW regulations.
  2. Ensure the requirements of this plan and all references are promulgated.
  3. Review and update this plan as necessary.
  4. Serve as chair of the HAZMAT Committee and coordinate quarterly, or more frequent as needed, HAZMAT Committee meetings.
  5. Designate a HAZMAT Committee Recorder to write and distribute the meeting minutes of the Committee.
  6. Assist personnel operating in areas where it is reasonably expected they could receive an HM shipment in training on proper procedures for receiving and issuing HM.
  7. Ensure re-distribution on station of excess HM with potential for use in other areas, establish a process for direct exchange, and arrange for locations for storage of excess material.
  8. Conduct annual inspections for compliance with the HAZMAT program.
  9. Actively promote HW minimization, resource recovery, and recycling.
  10. Provide assistance in packaging, labelling, shipping, and inventory management of HM.
  11. Maintain files of HM ordered throughout the year.
  12. Provide technical data from web-based HM database in emergency or spill response.
  13. Provide specific training to HM representatives to enable them to fulfil their duties as specified in the 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.
  14. Comply with references outlined in 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.
  15. Coordinate assistance in the selection of PPE, and monitor the use of PPE for compliance with applicable regulations.
  16. Assist receiving personnel in attaching proper documentation to Shipments prior to release of HM to ordering departments.
  17. Conduct annual reconciliations between the 51福利 AUL and actual HM on hand and reporting discrepancies to the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager and NSAM HAZMAT Coordinator along with suggestions for corrective action.
  18. Recommend limitations on quantities of HM both used and stored for various 51福利 operations and processes based, in part, on the reviews conducted above.
  19. Provide approval or disapproval of any proposed storage site for HM onboard 51福利.
  20. Identify 51福利 operations involved with HM/HW, under the specific exempt business categories enforced by the local Monterey CUPA, MRWPCA and Region 9 Air District.

51福利 HAZMAT Representatives

  1. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to ensure compliance with this 51福利 HAZMAT Plan in assigned departmental areas.
  2. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to ensure proper procedures for storage, handling, and use of HM are adhered to, in accordance with the 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.
  3. Request the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager, 51福利 CHO, and NSAM HW Program Manager's directions and guidance in HM/HW.
  4. Work with Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to maintain an accurate HM/HW inventory for assigned spaces. The 51福利 inventory will be updated at a minimum of once a month.
  5. Assist PIs to ensure job specific training and documentation is provided to HM users.
  6. Attend initial HM representative training (NAVSAFENCEN: Introduction to Hazardous Material Ashore), any additional HM representative job site specific training, and all required refresher training.
  7. Coordinate with PIs to ensure users are aware of material safety data sheets (MSDS) or safety data sheets (SDS) and coordinate job-specific HAZCOM and chemical hygiene training for hazard information, protective measures, and control requirements associated with the HM being used.
  8. Coordinate with PIs to ensure users are familiar with proper emergency procedures for any HAZMAT incident pertaining to the HM they are authorized to use. Assist PI's with proper emergency procedures for any HAZMAT incident.
  9. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to ensure emergency information is posted in accordance with NSAM Installation Emergency Plan ("Red Plan").
  10. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to conduct periodic inspections to ensure items are properly labelled during lifecycle of use.
  11. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to ensure proper training records are kept for all users.
  12. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to conduct periodic inspections to ensure all HM items are used only in designated locations.
  13. Assist and/or coordinate with Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to ensure all HW disposal is conducted in accordance with 
  14. Assist Department Heads, Supervisors, and Principal Investigators to maintain copies of MSDS/SDS for all HM stored in spaces under your purview, filing them numerically per the 51福利 assigned HM identity/assigned MSDS/SDS numbers. Upon such time as the 51福利 HAZMAT Inventory Management System is operational, all MSDS/SDS copies will be maintained on and by the 51福利 HAZMAT Inventory Management System.
  15. Direct any requests for new processes, HM restocking, or new HM requests to the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager.
  16. Work closely with the 51福利 HAZMAT Control Manager to streamline compliance and control HM at the initial entry point of use.
  17. Notify HAZMAT Control Manager prior to the conduct of any HM inspections.
  18. Assist PIs with HM requests. Work with PIs to understand their operations and research to better manage areas in which HM is being used.
  19. Assist PIs in meeting all HM storage requirements and shelf life limitations.
  20. Maintain HAZMAT representative contact information in all required locations (e.g. department safety boards).
  21. Serve on the HAZMAT Committee as an active member.
  22. Conduct monthly inspections [see paragraph 6e(4) on page 21 of 51福利 HAZMAT Plan.]
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