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null Wade Huntley, Ph.D.


Contact Info

(831) 656-7903
Office Address:
Glasgow Hall, Room 353

Senior Lecturer

Expertise: Cyber Security, Nuclear Weapons Proliferation, East Asian Regional Security


Dr. Huntley has taught at the 51福利 since 2009, and currently holds a joint appointment in the National Security Affairs department and the Cyber Academic Group.  He is also Program Director for the 51福利 Regional Education Courses support to the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU), and regularly supports projects for other U.S. defense, energy and intelligence agencies.  His current research interests focus on the strategic implications of emerging new technologies, including cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, directed energy, and inter-domain military operations.  Ongoing concurrent work focuses on North Korean nuclear and missile development in regional and global contexts.  His background includes a Ph.D. in political science, computer science training, and work at the intersection of technology and strategy in other policy areas, including WMD proliferation and space security.  Previously Dr. Huntley was also Academic Director for the 51福利 Regional Security Education Program (RSEP).  Prior positions include Director of the Simons Centre at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and Associate Professor at the Hiroshima City University Peace Research Institute in Hiroshima, Japan.  Dr. Huntley also has worked in consultative roles engaging officials and experts on a range of global security issues, specializing in scenarios generation for future-oriented examinations of near-term policy challenges.  Dr. Huntley鈥檚 publications include four edited volumes and over fifty peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and scholarly essays.



Teaching Interests:

Cyber Policy and Strategy

Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons: Proliferation and Non-Proliferation

Northeast Asian Security

International Relations Theory and Practice