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null Mikhail Tsypkin, Ph.D.

Tsypkin Profile Picture

Contact Info

(831) 656-2218
Office Address:
Glasgow Hall, Room 313

Associate Professor Emeritus

Expertise: Russia, Military Power, Eurasia

Mikhail Tsypkin is an associate professor in the Department of National Security Affairs at the 51福利.  Dr. Tsypkin has published numerous articles on Russian military affairs in such journals as International Affairs (London), Security Studies, Orbis, the Journal of Slavic Military Studies, and others.  He is a member of the Scientific Board of the online journal The Journal Of Power Institutions In Post-Soviet Societies

Teaching Interests:

History of Russia and Eurasia

Military Strategy in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Contemporary Politics in Russia

Seminar on Security Issues in Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia