Turbo - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Turbopropulsion Laboratory and Gas Dynamics Laboratory
The Turbopropulsion Laboratory (TPL) and Gas Dynamics Laboratory (GDL) possess a unique set of facilities which are used in teaching and research related to air-breathing propulsion, space propulsion and turbomachinery. The research activities are supported by the U.S. Navy, NASA and industry.
High Speed Turbomachinery Laboratory
Vavra Transonic Fan
Sanger Transonic Stage (No acrylic casing)
Sanger Transonic Stage (Acrylic casing)
Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) - High Pressure Fuel Turbopump (HPFTP) Turbine
Spin Pit
M1 Rocket Turbopump Rotor
Vavra Transonic Fan Rotor
Air-Jet Excitation Rig for P & W Turbine Rotor
Hood Technology Titanium Rotor & Magnetic and Oil-Jet Excitation Rig
F119 Fan Rotor
Drive Turbine and Slip-Ring Unit
Control Panel with Automatic Speed Control Unit
Strain-Gage High Speed Data Acquisition Systems
Free Jet & Turbocharger Rigs
Annular Turbine Cascade
Low Speed Turbomachinery Laboratory
Low Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel
LDV measurements
Low Speed Multi-Stage Compressor
Light Probe NSMS
Gas Dynamics Laboratory
Free Jet and Engine Test Stand
Remotely Controlled J450 Engine
Shrouded J450
Supersonic Blowdown Wind Tunnel (Mach 4)
Pressure Sensitive Paint Measurements