Climate READi: Creating an Integrated Planning Framework for Climate Resilience in the Power Sector

Tuesday, November 7, 2023  |  12:00–12:50 pm PST  |  Spanagel Hall, Room #321 (Building #232)— 

Dr. Andrea Staid

Senior Technical Leader
Energy Systems and Climate Analysis Group
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)


As extreme events increase in frequency and as communities becomes increasingly dependent on electricity due to decarbonization objectives, ensuring a reliable and resilient electric grid will be crucial for the wellbeing of our society. Through Climate READi, EPRI is developing a comprehensive framework that considers climate hazards, asset vulnerabilities, and system-level consequences in both planning and operation of the grid. Energy companies, regulators, policymakers, and other industry stakeholders require consistent, science-based insights about how climate hazards will affect the grid, both today and in the coming decades, in order to inform the when, where, and what of climate adaptation investment decisions. EPRI’s collaborative model is convening global thought leaders, scientific researchers, and energy company stakeholders to provide informed and consistent guidance to ensure climate resilience.


Andrea Staid is a Senior Technical Leader in the Energy Systems and Climate Analysis Group at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Her research focuses on risk and resilience analysis for energy infrastructure planning and operational decision-making. Prior to joining EPRI, Andrea worked for Sandia National Laboratories in the Center for Computing Research, with projects spanning natural hazard impact modeling for interdependent infrastructure systems, scenario creation to capture energy production uncertainties, and the coupling of climate risk with infrastructure vulnerabilities. Andrea received her MS and PhD in Environmental Systems Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and her BS in Aerospace Engineering from MIT.

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