Seminar - 03142014

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Naval District Washington Smart Shore Initiative (SSI)

March 14, 2014
ME Lecture Hall

Jeffrey M. Johnson

NDW Command Information Officer (N6)


The Navy is responsible for managing, operating and maintaining its shore infrastructure mission in a cost-effective and sustainable manner for assuring current and future operations.

This specific mission-shore infrastructure and operations-is left vulnerable as a result of:

  • The increasing scarcity of non-renewable resources,
  • Rising energy costs,
  • Growing risk of commercial grid unreliability,
  • Increased incidence of severe storms, and
  • The pressures of global economic contraction on national and defense budgets.

At Naval District Washington (NDW) the Smart Shore Initiative (SSI) was established to address these challenges by focusing on: re-engineering, integrating and modernizing the people, processes, technologies that comprise building, utility, and public safety shore infrastructure and operations. The outcome of SSI activities will be a "smarter shore" supported by improved interoperability, performance and efficiency.


A native of Orange County Virginia, Mr. Jeffrey M. Johnson (Jeff) graduated from the Virginia Military Institute, receiving a BS degree in Civil Engineering in 1980. Commissioned in 1980, Mr. Johnson served eight years as an Engineer Officer in the U.S. Army Reserve. Mr. Johnson served as head of the Operations and Maintenance Division of several Public Works Departments. During his tenure with NSWC Dahlgren Public Works he also led the Facilities Maintenance Engineering Division, and served as Deputy Public Works Officer. He led the effort to deploy and modernize the use of direct digital control systems and enterprise asset management systems to improve the efficiency of facilities management operations at Dahlgren and to reduce energy consumption at the base.

Mr. Johnson is currently the Regional Command Information Officer (N6) for NDW. He supports the Anti Terrorism Force Protection (ATFP) program as an ad hoc member of the Systems Engineering IPT. He piloted several projects for the ATFP program, to include the Virtual Perimeter Monitoring System (VPMS) which is comprised of secure wireless networks, video management and video analytics systems. He was the co-lead for the Navy SmartGrid Pilot project at NDW which leveraged the VPMS Network components, and includes secure middleware panels and software to bring disparate DDC and SCADA systems into a common, secure, and accredited architecture. He now works with the NAVFAC Washington Public Works Department and the NDW Public Safety Operations department (N3) to implement the NDW Smart Shore Initiative, which is a combination of the people process and technologies implemented in Public Works and N3.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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