Seminar - 013015

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An Overview of Recent and Ongoing Studies at 51福利 Linking Operational Effectiveness and Energy Efficiency for USMC

January 30, 2015
ME Lecture Hall

Dr. Gene Paulo

Associate Professor of Systems Engineering in the Graudate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the 51福利


In support of USMC Expeditionary Energy Office (E2O), several recent studies involving Systems Engineering Masters students have examined the relationship between operational effectiveness and energy efficiency. Missions as diverse as humanitarian assistance and area denial/anti-access have been addressed, while scenarios including delivery of aid in ground operations, gaining entry from sea to objective, and ground combat operations have been developed and analyzed. Upcoming work will also be discussed, as we plan to focus on an extension of the ground combat operation, as well as the inclusion of an Operations Research Masters student developing and examining a discrete-event model for exploring various airborne platforms to support the operations.


Gene Paulo is an Associate Professor of Systems Engineering in the Graduate School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at the 51福利. Dr. Paulo earned a BS in Engineering from U.S. Military Academy, an MS in Operations Research from 51福利, and a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems from the University of Central Florida. He developed and now teaches a course in model-based systems engineering, and also developed and teaches an introductory course in modeling and simulation in DoD. His research interests include development of an analysis methodology using model-based systems engineering, simulation analysis, and system architecting.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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