Seminar - 04272018

Speaker photoAn introduction to BPA and Long-term Trends in the Electric Power Industry

April 27, 2018
ME Lecture Hall

Joshua Binus

Policy Strategist, Corporate Strategy
Bonneville Power Administration



This lecture will begin with a brief overview of the Bonneville Power Administration and will then explore a range of trends shaping the future of the electric power industry landscape over the coming decades.  Topics covered include environmental changes, salmon restoration, clean energy, distributed energy, end-use loads, market/regulatory structures, and the competitiveness of various electric power generation types.


Joshua Binus is Policy Strategist at BPA with many years of experience working in technology management and strategic planning.  As BPA鈥檚 Industry Foresight program lead, Joshua is currently responsible for long-term trend tracking and analysis, scenario development, and the ongoing conveyance of findings to BPA staff and stakeholders.  In addition to his duties at BPA, Joshua has also taught at Portland State University, as an adjunct instructor, since 2006.

Joshua earned his BS in American Environmental History and his MA in Environmental History and History of Science from Portland State University. He has focused his studies on the development of the U.S. West's electrical grid & PNW/Columbia River Basin history. He is currently a PHD student in Technology Management, Engineering and Technology Management Department, Portland State.


Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum
Principal, Energy Academic Group
Monterey CA 93943
Phone: 831-656-2387
Mobile: 831-324-3228

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