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William P.

Professor Emeritus


Mathematical Modeling. Game Theory, Optimization, Probability & Statistics

Dr. William P. Fox is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Defense Analysis at the 51福利. Currently, he is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the College of William and Mary. He received his BS degree from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, his MS in operations research from the 51福利, and his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Clemson University. He has taught at the United States Military Academy for twelve years until retiring for active military service, at Francis Marion University where he was the chair of mathematics for eight years, and twelve years at the 51福利. He has many publications and scholarly activities including over twenty books, twenty-four chapters of books & technical reports, over one hundred and fifty journal articles, and over one hundred and fifty conference presentations and mathematical modeling workshops. He has directed several international mathematical modeling contests through the Consortium of Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP): the HiMCM and the MCM. His interests include applied mathematics, optimization (linear and nonlinear), mathematical modeling, statistical models, model for decision making in business, industry, medical and government, and computer simulations. He is a member of INFORMS, the Military Application Society of INFORMS, Mathematical Association of America, and Society for Industrial and Applied mathematics where he has held numerous positions.


Fox, W., Giordano, F., Maddox, S., & Weir, M. (1987). Mathematical Modeling with Minitab. Brooks Cole Publishing Co., Monterey, CA.

Giordano, Frank, M. Weir, and W. P. Fox (1997). A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 2nd Edition. Brooks-Cole Publishing Co. Pacific Grove, CA.

Giordano, Frank, M. Weir, and W. P. Fox (1997). Instructor Solutions and Labs for: A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 2nd Edition, Brooks Cole Publishing Co., and Pacific Grove, CA.

Fox, William P. and Richard D. West, (1999). Math Modeling and Problem Solving I, Francis Marion University Printing Plant. (all royalties contributed to the Department of Mathematics, FMU).

Fox, William P. and Richard D. West, (1999). Math Modeling and Problem Solving II, Francis Marion University Print Plant. (all royalties contributed to the Department of Mathematics, FMU).

Giordano, Frank, M. Weir, and W. P. Fox (2003). A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 3rd Edition, Brooks Cole Publishing Co., 538 pages, Pacific Grove, CA.

Giordano, Frank, M. Weir, and W. P. Fox. (2003). Instructor
Solutions and Labs for: A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 3rd Edition, Brooks Cole Publishing Co., Pacific Grove, CA.

Fox, William P. (2003). Technology Labs and Sample Exams- A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 3rd Ed. Brooks Cole Publishing, Brooks-Cole Technical Web Support site.

Giordano, Frank, W.P. Fox, S. Horton, and M. Weir. (2009). A First Course in Mathematical Modeling. 4th Edition, Cengage Publishing: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Giordano, Frank, W.P. Fox, S. Horton, and M. Weir. (2009).
Instructors Manual and Solutions to A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, Cengage Publishing: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., Belmont, CA.

Fox, William P., Frank R Giordano, and Maurice Wier) (2012). Mathematical Modeling with Maple, Cengage Publishing, Boston, MA.

Fox, William P. (2012). Instructors Manual and Solution to Mathematical
Modeling with Maple, Cengage Publishing, Boston, MA.

Giordano. F. R., William P. Fox, & Steve Horton. (2014). A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 5th edition. Cengage Publishing, Boston, MA.

Giordano. F. R., William P. Fox & Steve Horton (2014). Instructors Manual and Solutions to A First Course in Mathematical Modeling, 5th edition, Cengage Publishing: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., Boston, MA.

Fox, W. (2104). Mathematical Modeling Applied through MADM Methods in Social and Dark Networks, Lambert Publishing. Germany.

Belanger, Jay William P. Fox, & Jie Wang, Editors. (2017). Write Right for the American Mathematical Contest in Modeling (Second Edition). April 12, 2017 Higher Education Press.

Fox, W. P. (2017). Mathematical Modeling for Business Analytics, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press. December 2017.

Fox, W.P. and Burks, R. E., (2019). Applications of Operations Research and Management Science for Military Decision Making, Springer Series.

Fox, W. and Bauldry, W., (2019). Problem Solving with Maple. Volume 1. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.

Fox, W. and Bauldry, W., (2020). Problem Solving with Maple. Volume II, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.

Brian Albright and WP Fox. (2019). Advanced Mathematical Modeling with Technology. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.

Fox, W.P. (2021). Nonlinear Optimization. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.

Fox, W. P. (2021). Mathematical modeling in the age of a pandemic, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press.

Fox, W.P. and Burks, R. (2021). Advanced mathematical modeling. Taylor and Francis, CRC press.

Fox, W. P. and R. Sturdavant (2022). Probability and statistics for engineering and sciences with modeling using R. CRC Press. Boca. Raton, Fl