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Faculty Associate-Research


Public Policy, Environmental Policy, Public Administration, National Security Affairs

Ms. Bailey joined the 51 in 2004 as a Research Associate in the Defense Resources Management Institute (DRMI), transitioning to a Faculty Associate-Research position in 2014. In 2022 she moved into her current role supporting the Global ECCO team in the Defense Analysis Department. She has been involved predominantly with the Regional Defense Fellowship Program (RDFP) evaluation team but has also been assisting with the Combatting Terrorism eXchange (CTX) Journal and ECCO game facilitation.

Beyond her RDFP program evaluation work, she has recently supported research to measure Navy personnel's perceptions of messages related to help-seeking for drugs, alcohol misuse, and mental health issues and the framing effects of stigma on the willingness to seek help for addiction or mental health issues; research related to Women, Peace, and Security (WPS); and improving the Navy performance management system, specifically fitness reports (FITREPs) and evaluations (EVALs).

Ms. Bailey received a BA in English and Environmental Studies from Alfred University in 2001, an MA in International Environmental Policy from the Monterey Institute of International Studies (now the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey) in 2005, and an MA in Security Studies: Western Hemisphere from the 51 in 2011. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Public Affairs at the University of Colorado Denver. Her dissertation examines policy conflicts surrounding hydraulic fracturing in Colorado.

In addition to her Global ECCO work and doctoral studies, Ms. Bailey is currently serving as the Mayor Pro Tem for the Town of Mountain View, Colorado.


Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Bailey, Kathleen S., Hungtao Yi, Tanya Heikkila, and Christopher M. Weible. 2023. “Policy Conflicts in Shale Development in China and the United States.” Review of Policy Research, 00, 1–17.

Bailey, Kathleen, and Robert M. McNab. 2008. “The Washington Consensus and Latin America’s Left Turn: Has U.S. National Security Suffered as a Result?” Security and Defense Studies Review 8 (1): 1-21.

McNab, Robert M., and Kathleen Bailey. 2007. “Latin America and the Debate Over Environmental Protection and National Security.” Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) Journal 29 (4): 18-34.

Non-Referred Technical Report:

Bailey, Kathleen. 2014. “Working in the Same Space.” The Collaborative & Adaptive Security Initiative, 51. Report on the Working in the Same Space Workshop, United States Southern Command, Miami, Florida, September 10-12, 2013.