CE - Team - Tooker Bio

McKenna Tooker, M.S.

Laboratory Coordinator

Operations Research

Graduate School of Operational and Information Sciences


Phone: (831) 656-6974

Email: mckenna.tooker.ctr@nps.edu


McKenna Tooker is a distinguished graduate from the Masters in Human Factors program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and holds her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. McKenna joined the Crew Endurance Team in early 2024.

McKenna has experience working with the 9th Physiological Support Squadron (9PSPTS) at Beale Air Force Base and the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD), where her efforts were focused on supporting future needs of Naval Aviation platforms. McKenna is passionate about aerospace physiology and human performance in extreme environments.