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Welcome to the Crew Endurance Resources Library

Learn more about sleep and what it can do for you, the crew, and the nation's defense




  • The 3/9 Circadian Watch Rotation



  • The 6/18 Circadian Watch Rotation



  • The 4/8 Circadian Watch Rotation



  • The D5/N3 Circadian Watch Rotation


Revised 9.19.2019
Reference (a)  CNSP / CNSL INST 3120.2 of 30 Nov 2017 – Comprehensive Fatigue and Endurance Management Policy
1. Crew Fatigue and Endurance Management
a.  The combat readiness of USS XXXXX depends on the individual readiness of each sailor onboard. Research has shown that humans require 8 hours (on average) of uninterrupted sleep each night to function effectively. This means allowing 9 hours for prep and transition into sleep. Even a small deficit in sleep for a few days can lead to impaired judgement, slow reaction times and decreased physical readiness. Getting proper rest yields the clear mind and combat edge we need to win, and we cannot afford to yield this advantage to our adversaries.
  b. I expect leaders up and down the chain of command do their utmost to provide 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep availability to every crew member, and prevent needlessly fatiguing the crew. In turn, I expect each member USS XXXXXX to make every effort to manage their own individual crew rest at all times.  You would not take the watch drunk or if you lacked qualifications - do not take the watch fatigued.
c.  The requirement to sleep does not mean that there will not be occasions when other requirements interfere with watch routines.  Supervisors must use all available tools to plan ahead for PMS, corrective maintenance, drills and training to ensure that workload is predictable and shared equitably, and take corrective actions as necessary to mitigate the impact of emergent events. If you reach a point where work must be deferred due to fatigue or to preserve sleep prior to watch, notify your supervisor for guidance.
2. Actions. The following provisions will be observed daily onboard USS XXXX to ensure adequate crew rest:
a. USS XXXXX will preserve proper sleeping conditions including noise discipline, light discipline in berthing areas and adjacent spaces from 1900 until the conclusion of late sleepers, usually 0900. 
b. Personal devices with lit screens including smart phones, smart phones, tablets and laptops will be secured from 1900 until the conclusion of late sleepers due to their ill effects on sleep and wakefulness cycles.
c. Routine operations, evolutions, drills, and training will not be planned from 1900 until the conclusion of late sleepers, usually 0900. 
d. Ship-wide announcements of an administrative nature will be kept to a minimum, planned from 1900 until the conclusion of late sleepers, usually 0900.
e. I will have a non-punitive policy for any member who takes the initiative to request watch relief due to fatigue.  The safety of the ship is more important than saving face. If you feel that you may be ineffective on watch due to fatigue, then you have a duty to your shipmates to take action. This means that self-reporting will not incur punitive action for missing a watch.
  • Prior to Watch: Notify your watch supervisor, including the reason for fatigue (sickness, training and shipboard evolution, etc.) and request to switch watches. Watch supervisors will report the switch to the Senior Watch Officer.
  • While on Watch: Notify your watch supervisor, so that a switch can be made promptly. If you are experiencing micro-sleeps or cannot stay awake, call   
f. Watches will be scheduled on a circadian basis whenever possible, meaning that watches will add up to a 24-hour period [in accordance with USS XXXXXXX Notice XXXXXXX]. Notify the XO or Senior Watch Officer promptly if this is not possible.
3.  Routine Evolutions and Briefings.
a. Crew rest shall be discussed as part of operational risk management and individual risk management, and as part of all pre-evolution briefs.
b. Briefings for any evolution onboard USS XXXXX will include the following statement: “If any member of this evolution feels they have not had enough rest to perform it safely, see myself or the XO immediately so we can find a replacement for you.” 
c. Unplanned evolutions will occur. Adherence to this standing order will improve your resilience to ensure that you are better prepared for casualty response (such as fire, flooding or medical emergency). You enter battle with the sleep you have.  After the evolution is complete, supervisors must review the schedule for all personnel under their purview to ensure that they do not have follow-on duties that will be impacted by the interruption to their normal routine.

      Reuters, February 2020, Lisa Rapaport

      U.S.News & World Report, January 2020, Len Carter

      SlEEP DOCTOR, December 2019, Dr. Michael Breus

      SHAPE, November 2019, Mirel Zaman

      ScienceAlert, November 2019, David Nield

       WIRED, October 2019, Sara Harrison

       The New York Times, October 2018, Tim Herrera

      NavyTimes, October 2018, Geoff Ziezulewicz

      U.S Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, March 2018, Captain John Cordle USN (Ret)

       LIVESTRONG, February 2018, Bryn Huntpalmer

       U.S. Naval Institute, September 2017, Captain John Cordle USN (Ret)

      The prize was awarded to three scientists for their work in the discovery of the mechanism of circadian rhythms in all organisms

      Reuters, September 2017, Marilynn Larkin

      The Guardian, September 2017, Rachel Cooke

      CNN Health, August 2017, Sandee LaMotte

     United States Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, July 2017, Machine Mate Nuclear Chief Jay Holley, USN.

     Provides a great perspective on how important it is to give Sailors the opportunity to sleep

      TIME, February 2017, Alice Park

      U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, August 2016, Captain John Cordle USN (Ret)

      Huffington Post, July 2016, Sarah DiGiulio

      Van Winkles, October 2015, Peter S. Green

      U.S. Naval Institute, 30 August 2015, LCDR Katie Jacobson

      National Public Radio, april 2014, Alan Yu

      NavyTimes, October 2013, Sam Fellman

      United States Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, January 2013, Captain John Cordle USN (Ret) and Dr. Nita Shattuck

      This article won the Surface Navy Association Literary Award for 2013.

      The SNA Literary Award recognizes the best professional article in any publication

      addressing Surface Navy or surface warfare issues.

     NavyTimes, June 2012, Gidget Fuentes and Tony Lombardo

  • Includes training for emergency responders to reduce the risks associated with long work hours and information on how to cope with shiftwork

  • A nonprofit organization in the USA. Their mission is to improve public health and safety by achieving understanding of sleep and sleep disorders, as well as to support sleep-related education, research, and advocacy

  • Information on how to manage stress and fatigue levels

  • Information on driving while tired from 51¸ŁŔű' Safety Training

  • Many resources on sleep and safety including a large number of videos and articles

  • Resources for managing sleep and fatigue

  • A site dedicated to exploring the positive benefits of sleep health


  • Resources on Total Force Fitness including the initiative started by the Department of Defense and in trial phase at various military installations.

CBT-I: Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia

Shattuck, N.L., Lawrence-Sidebottom, D., Matsangas, P., & Nicholson, M. (2023). . In Rudin-Brown, C. & Filtness, A.(Eds.). The Handbook of Fatigue Management in Transportation: Waking Up to the Challenge (1st ed.). Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Shattuck, N. L., Lawrence-Sidebottom, D., Matsangas, P., & Brager, A. J. (2022). . In C. A. Kushida (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms (2nd ed.): Elsevier.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Mysliwiec, V., & Creamer, J.L. (2019).  in Schnyer, D. & Matthews, M.D. (Eds.), Human Performance Optimization: The Science and Ethics of Enhancing Human Capabilities. Oxford University Press, New York.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., & Dahlman, A.S. (2018). Sleep and Fatigue Issues in Military Operations. In E. Vermetten, A. Germain, & T. Neylan (Eds.), Sleep and Combat related PTSD (pp. 69-76). New York, NY: Springer

Drillings, M., Knapp, B., & Shattuck, N.L., (2015). in D. Boehm- Davis, Durso, Lee, (Eds) The APA Handbook of Human Systems Integration. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 37-52.

Miller, N.L., Matsangas, P. & Kenney, A. (2012). in M. Matthews and J. Laurence (Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Military Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. 262-281.

Miller, N.L., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, L.G. (2007). in P.A. Hancock and J.L. Szalma (Eds.), Performance Under Stress. Mahwah, NJ: Ashgate Publications. 231-250.

Miller, N.L., Crowson, J.J., & Narkevicius, J.M. (2003). in H.R. Booher (Ed.), Handbook of Human Systems Integration. New York: John Wiley and Sons. 699-742.Shattuck, N. L., Shattuck, L., & Matsangas, P. (Published). Combat Effectiveness and Sleep Patterns in US Marines.

Shattuck, N. L., Matsangas, P., & McClernon, C. K. (2023). Improving the watch standing schedules of two US Navy watchfloors in the San Diego area (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-23-008). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Nicholson, M.C., & Brimner, S.S. (2023). Importance of information presented to UH-60 pilots by phase of flight: Follow-on analyses. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-23-010R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Aten, K., Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & Tick, S. (2023). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-DDM-23-004). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Barger, L.K., & Weaver, M.D. (2022). . Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., Shattuck, L.G., Lawrence-Sidebottom, D., & Bowen, Z. (2021). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-22-002). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Reily, J., McDonough, M., & Giles, K.B. (2021). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-22-001). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, L.G., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2021). US Military Academy Cadet sleep study (Technical Report). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2021). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-22-003). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Mittleider, M., & Clifton, H.L. (2021). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-21-002). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2021). Assessment of sailor well-being and acceptance of the 4-section 3hrs-on/9hrs-off fixed watchstanding schedule on the USS SHILOH (CG-67) (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-21-001R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2021). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-21-001). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Clifton, H.L., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2020). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-20-001). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2019). Assessment of the utility of circadian-based watchstanding schedules for sailors working on the U.S. Navy surface ships. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-19-001R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, L.G., Matsangas, P., Cox, B., Shattuck, N.L., Fletcher, C., Combs, E., Fosha, R., & Anglemyer, A. (2018). Physiological episodes in F/A-18 and T-45 aircrews: Report of survey results. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-18-003R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2018). Assessment of a novel 3-section fixed watchstanding schedule on the USS DETROIT (LCS-7). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-18-002R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2018). Assessment of the Sailor Evaluation Tool (SET). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-18-004). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2018). (DDG-106). (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-18-002). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Smith, C., Dahlman, J., & Matsangas, P. (2018). . (Technical Report). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & Saitzyk, A. (2017). The Marine Corps Embassy Security Guard 2016 sleep survey: Analysis and comparison with 2012-2015 data. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-17-002R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Seagren, C., & Meredith I. (2017). LCS case study: The effect of shipboard manning levels on operational effectiveness and an analysis to improve unplanned loss management. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-17-001R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. Matsangas, P., & Saitzyk, A. (2016). Work and rest patterns in Marine Corps Embassy Security Group: Promoting health and wellness through informed work schedules. (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-16-001R). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P. & Brown, S. (2015). "A comparison between the 5hrs-on/10hrs-off and 3hrs- on/9hrs-off watch standing schedules," (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-15-006). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2015). "," (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-15-008). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Moore, J. & Wegemann, L. (2015). "Prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue and musculoskeletal symptoms in the crew of a US Navy ship," (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-15-005). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., & Powley, E.H. (2015). "," (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-15-003). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2014). "," (Technical Report No. 51¸ŁŔű-OR-14-004). Monterey, CA: 51¸ŁŔű.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2023). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 1570-1573. Doi: 10.1177/21695067231193653.

Röttger, S., Giesche, M., Abendroth, J., Jacobsen, T., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N. L. (2023). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1), 1273-1278. Doi: 10.1177/21695067231192909.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2021). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 65(1), 1470-1474. Doi: 10.1177/1071181321651076.

Badua, A., Shattuck, N.L., & Matsangas, P. (2021). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 65(1), 1588-1592. Doi: 10.1177/1071181321651077.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Clifton, H., Hart, J., Czeisler, C., & Barger, L. (2020). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 64(1), 841-845. Doi: 10.1177/1071181320641195.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Dahlman, J., & Dahlman, A. (2020). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 64(1), 846-850. Doi: 10.1177/1071181320641196.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2019). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1), 933-937. Doi:10.1177/1071181319631005.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., Mortimore, K., Paghasian, C., & Greene, F. (2019). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 63(1), 797-801. Doi:10.1177/1071181319631144.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., & Saitzyk, A. (2018). Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 772-776. Doi: 10.1177/1541931218621175.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2018). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 666-670. Doi:10.1177/1541931218621151.

Sjörs Dahlman, A., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2017). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 522-526. Doi: 10.1177/1541931213601615.

Ryan, A., Matsangas, P., Anglemyer, A., & Shattuck, N.L. (2017). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 906-910. Doi: 10.1177/1541931213601705.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2017). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 450-454. Doi: 10.1177/1541931213601593.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., Heinicke, C., & Dunn, J. (2017). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 61(1), 73-77. Doi: 10.1177/1541931213601484.

Shattuck, N.L., Shattuck, L.G. & Matsangas, P. (2016). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 60th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2016). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 60th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2015). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 59th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L (2015). . Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 59th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA.

Brown, S., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2015). "Improved sleep hygiene and psychomotor vigilance performance following crew shift to a circadian-based watch schedule." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 59th Annual Meeting. Los Angeles, CA. October, 2015.

Shattuck, N.L., Waggoner, L.B., Young, R.L., Smith, C.S., & Matsangas, P. (2014). "." SLEEP 06/2014; 37(Supplement): A78.

Shattuck, N.L, Matsangas, P., & Waggoner L. (2014). "." Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) 58th Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Shattuck, N.L. and Matsangas, P. (2022, 12-15 September). Satisfaction with Crew Endurance Training: Results from US Navy Senior Leaders and Surface Warfare Officers. Presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., & Matsangas, P. (2019, 9—13 September). . Presented in the 24th International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2019, 18—22 August). Circadian-based Watchstanding Schedules for Surface Ships: Preliminary results. Presented in the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, L., Matsangas, P., Cox, B.D., Shattuck, N.L., Fletcher, C., Combs, E., Fosha, R., and Anglemyer, A. (2018, 25 – 27 September). Physiological episodes in F/A-18 and T-45 aircrews: Report of survey results. Presented in the Big Data Summit III, Renton, WA.

Combs, E., Fosha, R., Fletcher, C., Cox, B.D., Matsangas, P., Anglemyer, A., Shattuck, N., and Shattuck, L. (2018, 20 – 23 August). Naval jet aviators’ experience with symptoms associated with physiological episodes in-flight, post-flight, and on unplanned extended missions. Presented in the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2018, 6 – 7 August). Autonomous Crew Operations Technical Interchange Meeting. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.

Matsangas, P. and Shattuck, N.L. (2016, 30 June – 03 July). Actigraphic and subjective quality of sleep at sea. Presented at the 1st South European Congress on Sleep Research, Athens, Greece.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., and Saitzyk, A. (2016). Work and Sleep Patterns in Military Shift Workers: Promoting Health and Wellness Through Informed Shift Schedules Presented at the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 70, 11 May, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, USA.

Matsangas, P. and Shattuck, N.L. (2015, 31 October – 03 November). Environmental daylight exposure interferes with the sleep patterns of sailors working the 3hrs-on/9hrs-off watchstanding schedule at sea. Presented in the 7th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation, Istanbul, TR.

Shattuck N.L. and Matsangas P. (2015, 17-20 August). The Ecology of Shiftwork in the United States Navy: A comparison of four watch standing schedules from a human performance perspective. Presented in the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2015, 26 – 30 July). . Presented in the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), Las Vegas, NV.

Matsangas, P. (2007). Simulation and Training in the Hellenic Navy. Presented at the Simulation and Training in Hellenic Armed Forces Conference, 27 June, Athens, Greece.

McCauley, M.E., Pierce, E. and Matsangas, P. (2007). Vessel Motion Influences on Human Performance: The High Speed Navy. Presented at Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 57, 14-17 May, Portsmouth, VA, USA.

Matsangas, P. (2006). Prediction of Motion Sickness Incidence: Modeling Efforts based on Human Physiology. Presented in ABCD Meeting 2006 “Human Performance at Sea: Influence of Ship Motions on Biomechanics and Fatigue”, Panama City, Florida, USA, April 25-26

Gomes, K. D., Mysliwiec, V., Pruiksma, K. E., Matsangas, P., Powell, T., Straud, C. L., Taylor, D. J., Hansen, S., Foster, S. N., Mithani, S., Zwetzig, S., Martin, J., Gerwell, K., Young-McCaughan, S., Blue Star, J. A., Cassidy, D. G. Moore, B. A., Peterson, A. L., & Brock, M. S., on behalf of the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2023, October). Gender differences in US military personnel with insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, and comorbid insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. Presented at the 8th Annual San Antonio Combat PTSD Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2023, 14-17 August). A longitudinal assessment of sleep in Surface Warfare Officers during training and fleet Assignments: Preliminary results of a pilot study. Presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., and Veloria, G. (2022, 12-15 September). OFRP Basic Phase work patterns: Effects on well-being, sleep, and workhours of Engineering sailors. Presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L. and Matsangas, P. (2022, 12-15 September). Testing new curtains for Sailor racks on the USS PAUL HAMILTON: Preliminary results. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Clifton, H., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2020, 24 – 27 August). Evaluation of a stress inoculation training program at the US Navy Surface Warfare Officer School. Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., Garbacz, B., Murph, M., & Matsangas, P. (2020, 24 – 27 August). Relationship between US Navy ship manning levels and Sailor well-being. Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Hasslen, S.R., Mysliwiec, V., Pruiksma, K.E., Peterson, A.L., Carrizales, F.A., Brundige, A., Taylor, D.J., Vanecek, R., Hansen, S., Foster, S.N., Young-McCaughan, S., Gerwell, K., Gill, J.,Matsangas, P., Mintz, J., & Brock, M.S.; for the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2019, 18—22 August). Evaluation of sleep quality in a military population: The Military Service Sleep Assessment (MSSA). Poster presented at the Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Moon, K.N., Clifton, H.L., Rock, M.D., Curtis, M., Matsangas, P., and Shattuck, N.L. (2019, 18—22 August). Use of high energy visible (HEV) light-emitting glasses to improve sleep and mood during 24-hour military operations. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Chawinga, Z., Clifton, H., Geiger, L., Hart, J., Weaver, M., Czeisler, C., and Barger, L. (2019, 18—22 August). Enhancing crew endurance in the United States Navy: Progress from the first year of a 3-year training project. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Mysliwiec, V., Brock, M., Pruiksma, K., Gill, J., Foster, S., Hansen, S., Cassidy, D., Vanecek, R., Matsangas, P., Mintz, J., Young-McCaughan, S., and Peterson, A. (2018, 20 – 23 August). Sleep Disorders in Military Women: Identifying Causal Factors and the Impact of Treatment on Psychological Health and Resilience. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Fosha, R., Combs, E., Fletcher, C., Cox, B.D., Matsangas, P., Anglemyer, A., Shattuck, N., and Shattuck, L. (2018, 20 – 23 August). Nutrition behaviors in United States Navy and Marine Corps F/A-18 and T-45 aircrew: Associations with prior experience of physiological episodes. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Matsangas, P. and Shattuck, N. L. (2018, 22 – 25 January). Sleep patterns, and mood states of crewmembers in 8-month mission v of the Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS): Preliminary results. Poster presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigator’s Workshop (HRP IWS 2018), Galveston, TX.

Dahlman, J., Matsangas, P., and Shattuck N.L. (2017, 27-30 August). Operational aspects on use of hypnotics and alertness medications (HAMs) in the U.S. Military. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck N.L., Matsangas P., and Sjörs Dahlman, A. (2017, 27-30 August). Validation of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) in the Operational Environment: Exploring the Utility of Different Devices and the Effect of Environmental Factors. Poster presented at the Military Health System Symposium (MHSRS), Kissimmee, FL.

Shattuck, N. L., Smith, K., Matsangas, P., and Dahlman, P. (2017, 23 – 26 January). Use of hypnotic and alertness medications (HAMs) in the U.S. military. Poster presented at the NASA Human Research Program Investigator’s Workshop (HRP IWS 2017), Galveston, TX.

Capener, D., Mysliwiec, V., Brock, M., Walter, R., and Matsangas, P. (2016, 20 May). Sleep Disorders in Active Duty Females. Poster presented at the San Antonio Military Health System and Universities Research Forum (SURF 2016), San Antonio, TX.

Gabehart, R.J., Skornyakov, E., Shattuck, N.L., Sparrow, A.R., Matsangas, P., Riedy, S., Layton, M.E. and Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2015). Sleep Duration in Simulated Navy Watchstanding Schedules. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Inland Northwest Research Symposium, March 6, Spokane, Washington.

Sparrow, A.R., Smith, C., Skornyakov, E., Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., and Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2015). Pilot Study of Team Communication in Simulated Navy Watchstanding Schedules. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Inland Northwest Research Symposium, March 6, Spokane, Washington.

Mysliwiec, V., Capaldi, V., Gill, J., Baxter, T., O’Reilly, B., Matsangas, P., Roth, B.J. (2014). Adherence to Positive Airway Pressure Treatment in U.S. Military Personnel with Sleep Apnea Improves Sleepiness, Sleep Quality, and Depressive Symptoms. Poster presented at the Madigan Research Day, Tacoma, Washington.

Anderson, D., Mysliwiec, V., Matsangas, P., Lee, M., Bothwell, N., Baxter, T., and Roth, B. (2012, November). Polysomnographic Variables Describing Comorbid Insomnia and Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Military Personnel as Revealed by Cluster Analysis. Poster presented at the Tri-service American College of Physicians (ACP), Bethesda, Maryland.

Miller, N.L., Shattuck, L.G., and Matsangas, P. (2007, May). Sleep Patterns and Performance: Results from Two Years of a Four Year Longitudinal Study of Men and Women Enrolled at the United States Military Academy. Poster presented at the International School on Mind, Brain, and Education, 2nd Course: “Chronoeducation, Basic and applied topics on biological rhythms and learning”, May 22-26, 2007, Erice, Italy.

McClernon, C. K., Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N. L. (2024). Sleep Advances, 5(1), zpae005. doi: 10.1093/sleepadvances/zpae005.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Reily, J., McDonough, M., & Giles, K.B. (2023). Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. 94(2), 66-73, Doi: 10.3357/AMHP.6161.2023.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2022). Sleep Health. 8(4), 387-390. Doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2022.03.007.

Gurubhagavatula, I., Barger, L. K., Barnes, C. M., Basner, M., Boivin, D. B., Dawson, D., Drake, C.L., Flynn- Evans, E. E., Mysliwiec, V., Patterson, P. D., Reid, K. J., Samuels, C., Shattuck, N. L., Kazmi, U., Carandang, G., Heald, J. L., Van Dongen, Hans P. A. (2021). JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE, 17(11), 2283-2306.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2021). Human Factors. 63(3), 462-473. Doi: 10.1177/0018720820906050

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2021). . Nutrition and Health, 27(1), 3-8. Doi: 10.1177/0260106020960878.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2020). Chronobiology International, 37(9-10), 1299-1303. Doi: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1810062.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2020). . Sleep, 43(12). Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa118.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2020). Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 91(5), 409-415. Doi: 10.3357/AMHP.5567.2020.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & Saitzyk, A. (2020) . Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 18(2), 262-274. Doi: 10.1080/15402002.2019.1578771

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2017). . Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 88(6), 579-585. Doi: 10.3357/AMHP.4721.2017.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & Brown, S. (2017). . Behavioral Research Methods, 49(5), 1792-1801. Doi:10.3758/s13428-016- 0821-2.

Matsangas, P. & Shattuck, N.L. (2016). Behavioral Sleep Medicine.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Moore, J., & Wegemann, L. (2016). "." Military Medicine, 181(7), 655-62.

Shattuck, N.L., & Matsangas, P. (2015)."." Journal of Sleep Research, 24(2), 174-180.

Skornyakov, E., Shattuck, N.L., Winser, M.A., Matsangas, P., Sparrow, A.R., Layton, M.E., Gabehart, R.J., & Van Dongen, H.P.A. (2015). "," Accident Analysis & Prevention. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2015.11.021.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2015). "" Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. 86(5): 481-485.

Mysliwiec, V., Matsangas, P., Baxter, T. & Shattuck, N.L. (2015). "," Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 14(1), 113-115.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Eriksen, E. & Kulubis, S. (2015). "," Human Factors, 57(5): 864-878.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2015). "," Ergonomics. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2015.1073794.

Shattuck, N.L. & Matsangas, P. (2015). "," Journal of Sleep Research, 24(2): 174-180.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & McCauley, M.E. (2015). "." Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 86(10), 901-906.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Olson, N.H., Smith, C., and McClernon, C.K. (2024).  Sleep, 47(Abstract Supplement), A77-A78. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0180.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., and McClernon, C.K. (2024). . Sleep, 47(Abstract Supplement), A76-A77. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0177.

Owen, M.S., Yates, C., Grosser, L., Shattuck, N.L., Matthews, R., Matsangas, P., Sakovits, B., and Banks, S. (2024). . Sleep, 47(Abstract Supplement), A62. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsae067.0142.

Lawrence-Sidebottom, D., Dotson, E.J., Matsangas, P., and Shattuck, N.L. (2023). . Sleep, 46(Abstract Supplement), A77. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0173.

Dotson, E.J., Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., and Lawrence-Sidebottom, D. (2023). . Sleep, 46(Abstract Supplement), A76. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0171.

Matsangas, P., and Shattuck, N.L. (2023). . Sleep, 46(Abstract Supplement), A95-A96. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0216.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2023). . Sleep, 46(Abstract Supplement), A94. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0213.

Mysliwiec, V., Brock, M., Matsangas, P., Pruiksma, K., Powell, T., Hansen, S., Martin, J., Taylor, D., Foster, S., Mithani, S., Straud, C., Young-McCaughan, S., Zwetzig, S., and Peterson, A. (2023). . Sleep, 46(Abstract Supplement), A323. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsad077.0734.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Reily, J., McDonough, M., O’Hagan, D., & Giles, K.B. (2022). . Sleep, 45(Abstract Supplement), A103. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac079.225.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., Sheehan, S., & Dotson, E. (2022). . Sleep, 45(Abstract Supplement), A9. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac079.021.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., Shattuck, L.G., Xu, J., Orpilla, E., Lawrence-Sidebottom, D., Dotson, E., & Bowen, Z.A. (2022). . Sleep, 45(Abstract Supplement), A9. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac079.020.

Lawrence-Sidebottom, D. Matsangas, P., & Shattuck, N.L. (2022). . Sleep, 45(Abstract Supplement), A76-A77. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsac079.163.

Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., & Boyle, J. (2021). . Sleep, 44(Abstract Supplement), A116. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab072.289.

Matsangas, P., Shattuck, N.L., & Clifton, H. (2021). . Sleep, 44(Abstract Supplement), A116. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab072.288.

Shattuck, N.L., & Matsangas, P. (2021). . Sleep, 44(Abstract Supplement), A116-A117. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab072.290.

Hudson, A.N., Hinson, J.M., Whitney, P., Crooks, E., Shattuck, N.L., Matsangas, P., Van Dongen, H., & Honn, K.A. (2021). . Sleep, 44(Abstract Supplement), A23-A24. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsab072.055.

Villarreal, B., Foster, S., Hansen, S., Brock, M., Sanchez, H., Gerwell, K., Carrizales, F., Matsangas, P., Peterson, A., Pruiksma, K., Mysliwiec, V. (2020). Sleep disorders in female military personnel. Sleep, 43(Abstract Supplement), A327. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.856.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2020). Sleep, 43(Abstract Supplement), A313. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.817.

Shattuck, N.L., and Matsangas, P. (2020). . Sleep, 43(Abstract Supplement), A295. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.772.

Sanchez, H.O., Mysliwiec, V., Froese, R.E., Creamer, J.L., Matsangas, P., Foster, S.N., Hansen, S.L., and Brock, M.S., (2020). . Sleep, 43(Abstract Supplement), A305. Doi: 10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.799.

Shattuck, L., Matsangas, P. (2019). . Sleep Science, 12(Supplement 3), 63-64.

Shattuck, N.L., Shattuck, L.G., and Matsangas, P. (2019). . Sleep, 42(Abstract Supplement), A93-A94.

Cox, B.D., Matsangas, P., Shattuck, L.G., and Shattuck, N.L. (2019). . Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90(3), 199.

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Listen, Learn, Lead - Dr. Nita Shattuck, Crew Endurance

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51¸ŁŔű’ Sleep Study Research Leads to Fleetwide Policy

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Matt Walker: Sleep is your Superpower

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What Makes You Tick: Circadian Rhythms

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