Faculty Publications

Faculty Publications

Arquilla, John

  • Current Research Focus Areas
    • Cyber strategy and policy
  • Recent Publications
    • John Arquilla, Bitskrieg:  The New Challenge of Cyberwarfare (Cambridge:  Polity, 2021)

Jasper, Scott

  • Current Research Focus Areas
    • Cyber Policy
    • Russian Cyber Operations
  • Recent Publications
    • Jasper, Scott, “,”&˛Ô˛ú˛ő±č;The Conversation, January 21, 2022.
    • Jasper, Scott and Hollingshead, Travis, “,” Signal Magazine, January 1, 2022.
    • Jasper, Scott, ",” United States Cybersecurity Magazine, Fall 2021.
    • Jasper, Scott, ",” New Atlanticist (blog for the Atlantic Council), June 1, 2021.

Rowe, Neil

  • Current Research Focus Areas
    • Cyber deception
    • Industrial control systems security
    • Prediction of military candidate training success
    • Digital forensics
  • Recent Publications
    • Washofsky, N. C. Rowe, and T. Nguyen, Using cloud honeypot platforms for gathering industrial-control-system attack intelligence.  Workshop on Industrial Control Systems Security, ACSAC, December 2021.
    • N. Rowe and A. Das, Predicting success in training of Navy aviators, Proc. International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, October 2021.
    • N. C. Rowe, T. D. Nguyen, J. T. Dougherty, M. C. Bieker, and D. Pilkington, Identifying anomalous industrial-control-system network flow activity using cloud honeypots.  Springer Lecture Notes, Proc. National Cyber Summit, Huntsville, Alabama, September 2021. 
    • G. Harter and N. C. Rowe, Testing detection of K-ary code obfuscated by metamorphic and polymorphic techniques.  Springer Lecture Notes, Proc. National Cyber Summit, Huntsville, Alabama, September 2021.

Stanica, Pante

  • Current Research Focus Areas
    • Cryptography
  • Recent Publications
    • Proc. 2nd International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2021) (P. Stanica, S. Mesnager, S. K. Debnath, eds.), 2021, Springer CCIS 1497:
    • Proc. 1st International Conference on Security & Privacy (ICSP 2020) (P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, S. K. Debnath, eds.), 2021, Springer LNEE 744:
    • A. Salagean, P. StanicaCryptography & Communication – CCDS, 2022;
    • D. Bartoli, M. Calderini, C. Riera, P. Stanica, , Cryptography & Communication – CCDS, 2022; .
    • L. Budaghyan, N. Kaleyski, C. Riera, P. Stanica, , Cryptography & Communication – CCDS, 2021.
    • P. Stanica, C-differential uniformity for functions constructed via the Maiorana-McFarland bent function, Workshop on Coding & Cryptography, WCC 2022, Paper #37.
    • S. Maitra, C.S. Mukherjee, P. Stanica, D. Tang, On Boolean Functions with Low Polynomial Degree and Higher Order Sensitivity, Workshop on Coding & Cryptography, WCC 2022, Paper #3.
    • S. Ul Hasan, M. Pal, P. Stanica, , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 68:1 (2022), 679-691.
    • P. Stanica, A. Geary, C. Riera, A. Tkachenko, , Discrete Applied Mathematics 307 (2022), 160-171.

Thulasiraman, Preetha

  • Current Research Focus Areas
    • Cyber analytics of energy infrastructure networks
    • Machine learning
    • 5G and energy networks
    • Secure data routing
  • Recent Publications
    • P. Thulasiraman, Y.K. Denny Cheng, and B. Allen, “Evaluation of the Data Distribution Service for a Lossy Autonomous Hybrid System,” to appear in Proc. of IEEE International Systems Communications Conference (SYSCON) 2022, April 2022.
    • P. Thulasiraman, “Cyber Analytics for Intrusion Detection on the Navy Smart Grid Using Supervised Learning,” to appear in Proc. of IEEE of International Systems Communications Conference (SYSCON) 2022, April 2022.
    • V. Chan and P. Thulasiraman, “Use of K-Nearest Neighbors Machine Learning to Detect Cyber Threats on the Navy Smart Grid,” in Proc. of IEEE Military Communications (MilCom), December 2021.
    • J. Fernandez, B. Allen, P. Thulasiraman, and B. Bingham, “Performance Study of Robot Operating System 2 with QoS and Cybersecurity Settings,” in Proc. of IEEE International Systems Communications Conference (SYSCON) 2020, April 2020.
    • P. Thulasiraman, Z. Chen, B. Allen and B. Bingham, “Evaluation of the Robot Operating System 2 in Lossy Unmanned Networks,” in Proc. Of IEEE International Systems Communications Conference (SYSCON) 2020, April 2020.
    • P. Thulasiraman and S. Sandoval, “Cyber Security Assessment of the Robot Operating System 2 for Aerial Networks,” in Proc. Of IEEE International Systems Communications Conference (SYSCON) 2019, April 2019 (Best Student Paper-2nd Place).
    • P. Thulasiraman and Y. Wang, “A Lightweight Trust-Based Security Architecture for RPL in Mobile IoT Networks,” in Proc. Of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) 2019, January 2019