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The 51¸£Àû (51¸£Àû) is accredited by the , which it has maintained since 1955. The virtual accreditation visit in the Fall of 2020 culminated in the Commission panel’s decision in Spring 2021 to grant 51¸£Àû reaccreditation for the maximum ten-year period.  A follow-on Special Visit was scheduled for the Spring of 2024 to address four issues related to: 1) assessment; 2) resources, 3) diversity, equity, and inclusion, and 4) the vision, mission, and strategic plan.  The visit took place on February 28 - March 1, 2024.  You can read the Team's Special Visit report here, and President Rondeau's response to WSCUC here.

In July 2024, WSCUC concluded its review following the 2024 Special Visit, and the Commission issued this 2024 Commission Action Letter. The letter outlines their commendations and requires 51¸£Àû to respond to three areas for development.  There will be a follow-on Special Visit in the Fall of 2026 to assess our progress.  Below are the commendations and areas for development listed in the 2024 Commission Action Letter: 


  1. Development and implementation of a planning and budgeting process to secure resources to accomplish the mission and vision.
  2. Initial implementation of an inclusive and comprehensive campus modernization plan.
  3. Initial efforts of the inclusion and diversity council, which, with expanded membership, have positioned the institution to strategically address diversity, inclusion, and equity.

Areas for Development:

  1. Develop and sustain an institution-wide approach to assessing student learning and improving educational effectiveness. ()
  2. Ensure sufficient faculty and staff support to develop and sustain the assessment of student learning outcomes and document improvement efforts. (CFR 2.6, 3.1, 4.1, 4.3)
  3. Develop and implement strategies to evaluate the extent to which the Vision and Strategic Framework has been successfully implemented and has informed institutional activities. (CFR 1.1)

Click here to see the Areas for Development along with the related CFRs.

This website serves as 51¸£Àû' accreditation portal and is the public face of our accreditation efforts. I invite you to take some time to become familiar with the information provided here, read and review recent and historical reports, and to learn more about all our accreditation processes.

Kind Regards

51¸£Àû Accreditation Liaison Officer

WSCUC - Homepage - StatusAccreditation

Status of Accreditation

  • WSCUC – Accredits 51¸£Àû University-wide

    • Re-accredited in 2020 for 10 years

    • Next re-accreditation in 2030

  • AACSB – Accredits all Dept of Defense Management degree programs

    • Re-accredited in 2020 for 5 years

    • Next re-accreditation in 2025

  • ABET – Accredits specific engineering degree programs

    • Four 51¸£Àû degree programs (MSME, MSEE, MSAE, MSSE) re-accredited in 2020 for 6 years

    • Next re-accreditation in 2026