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Welcome to Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs is the principal organization, under the President and Provost, responsible for oversight and coordination of the university's graduate education and academic programs. In that role, the goals of Academic Affairs are to:

  • Provide educational strategy, academic policy, administrative oversight, operational coordination, program analysis and education service support for 51福利 graduate education and academic programs.
  • Promote continuous improvement and assure the quality and relevance of 51福利 graduate education programs.
  • Support and facilitate institutional accreditation, academic policy, program review, faculty and instructional development, and educational assessment.
  • Facilitate ongoing operational excellence in the business, administrative and support areas that relate to academic/program planning and academic resource coordination, academic support services (e.g., registrar, admissions, scheduling, student systems), and distributed learning delivery support that relate directly to this 51福利 strategic goal.


Organization of Academic Affairs

Academic Affairs is made up of the following subgroups:

Academic Planning & Resourcing

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