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A specific schedule of exams is made available in the quarter when the exams are given. Each exam is approximately 90 minutes long. The exam is conducted closed book. No sheets of paper,books, or tables are allowed. It will be announced if students may use calculators on a particular exam. No notes or programmable calculators are allowed, however. Each exam will be administered (but not necessarily written) by the member of the ECE Ph.D. Program Committee responsible for that technical area. The identity of faculty members writing the exam will be kept anonymous prior to the exam. Graded exams will not be returned to students; they will be destroyed after six months from the date of the exam. The ECE Ph.D. Program Committee adheres to the following requirements to determine a candidate's eligibility to take the exam: Generally, the candidate taking the exam is a student currently enrolled at the 51. Exceptions to this rule may be granted by the ECE Chairman. A minimum total QPR of 3.50 is required, at the time of taking the exam. A pass in the ECE written Ph.D. screening exam requires passing of all three areas in which the student is being tested. There is no partial pass and the written exam may not be retaken if failed. The ECE Program Committees decision on a pass must be unanimous. Oral Screening Exam: Notes and Guidelines Students failing the ECE written Ph.D. screening exam may request an oral screening exam. The request must be in writing and made within 30 days of notification of failure of the written exam. The oral exam must be taken before the end of the quarter following the student's written exam. The oral exam is conducted by the ECE Ph.D. Program Committee and must be taken in the same three areas as the student's written exam. The committee attendance required for the exam is: ECE Ph.D. Program Committee chair or his designated representative (must be a member of the committee). The three committee members responsible for the three selected screening exam areas. A student will be asked questions for approximately thirty minutes in each of the three selected areas for atotal of approximately ninety minutes of questioning. Questioning will be primarily by the committee members responsible for the three selected areas. Other committee members may ask follow-up questions however. The outcome of the exam (pass or fail) will be decided immediately after the exam by all members of the committee present. A pass in the oral Ph.D. screening exam requires passing of all three areas in which the student is being tested. There is no partial pass and the exam may not be retaken if failed. The committees decision on a pass must be unanimous. A pass in the screening exam is valid for 5 years from the date of passing the exam. Candidates leaving and reentering the Ph.D. program within this period are not required to be reexamined.      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