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Minor in ECE   Program of Study: (Select a specialty, each specialty has 4 required courses) List of Specialties Communications Systems: Required Courses: EC 3500Analysis of Random Signals(4-0)EC 3510Communications Engineering(3-1)EC 4550Digital Communications(4-0)EC 4580Coding and Information Theory(4-0) Computer Systems: Required Courses: EC 3830Digital Computer Design Methodology(3-2)EC 3840Introduction to Computer Architecture(3-2)EC 4810Fault Tolerant Computing(3-2)EC 4820Advanced Computer Architecture(3-2) Cyber Systems: Required Courses: EC3730Cyber Network & Physical Infrastructures(3-2)EC3740Reverse Engineering in Electronic Syst.(3-2) AND select either the Classified or Unclassified set: Classified: (US only, with appropriate security clearance)  HYPERLINK "http://www.nps.edu/Academics/Schools/GSEAS/Departments/ECE/Handbook/CourseList/ec_courses.html" \t "_parent" EC 3760Information Operations Systems(3-2)EC 4765Cyber Warfare(3-2) OR Unclassified: EC 4730Covert Communications (3-2)EC 4770Wireless Communications Network Security (3-2) Guidance, Control & Navigation Systems: Required Courses: EC 3310Optimal Estimation: Sensor & Data Association(3-2)EC 3320Optimal Control Systems(3-2)EC 4330Navigation, Missile, & Avionics Systems(3-2)EC 4350Nonlinear Control Systems(3-2) Network Engineering: Required Courses: EC 3710Computer Communications Methods(3-2)EC 4725Adv. Telecommunication Systems Eng. (3-2)EC 4745Mobile Ad Hoc Wireless Networking(3-2)EC 4785Internet Engineering(3-2) Power Systems: Required courses: EC 3130Electrical Machinery Theory(4-2)EC 3150Solid State Power Conversion(3-2)EC 4130Advanced Electrical Machinery Systems(4-2)EC 4150Advanced Solid State Power Conversion(4-1) Electronics: Required courses: EC 3200Advanced Electronics Engineering(3-2)EC 3220Semiconductor Device Technology(3-2)EC 4220Introduction to Analog VLSI(3-1)EC 4230Reliability Issues for Military Electronics(3-1) Signal Processing Systems: Required Courses: EC 3400Digital Signal Processing(3-1)EC 3410Discrete-Time Random Signals(3-2)EC 4440Statistical Digital Signal Processing (3-2)EC 4480Image Processing and Recognition(3-2) Sensor Systems Engineering: Required Courses: EC 3600Antennas & Propagation(3-2)EC 3630Radiowave Propagation(3-2) And select either the RADAR or EW set: RADAR: EC 4610Radar Systems(3-2)EC 4630RCS Prediction & Reduction(3-2) OR EW: EC 3700 Joint Network-Enabled Electronic Warfare I (3-2)EC 4680/90Joint Network-enabled Electronic Warfare II (3-2)     PAGE  PAGE 2 Effective date: 04/21/15; last update: 04/21/15, MPF Please read Privacy Advisory at ( HYPERLINK "http://www.nps.edu/Footer/PrivacyPolicy.html" www.nps.edu/Footer/PrivacyPolicy.html ) Student name: ______________________________; email:_____________________________ Month/year enrolled: ________________________; Graduation date:____________________ I certify that 1) the information contained on this form is correct; and 2) courses included in this checklist are not included in the requirements towards another Master degree. Student :__________________________________; Date: ________________________ We certify that this student has met the minimum requirements for a Ph.D. Minor in ECE. Signatures: _______________________ ECE Ph.D. Committee Chair, Date _______________________ ECE Department Chair, Date ?@RSU\ɿ{g{ZMC6ChTCJOJQJUmHnHuhCJOJQJhCJ OJQJ&jhCJ OJQJUmHnHu"h+h56CJOJQJaJh+CJOJQJhA>TCJOJQJhA>T56CJ$OJQJhz56CJ$OJQJhzhz56CJ$OJQJh56CJ$OJQJ2TU !gd+$ !0]0a$gdA>T$a$   - ? @ H c i $$Ifa$gdG $IfgdS$a$gd_$a$gdA>T$ !0]0a$gdv     , - > ? @ i k    ɺwwwwl_VMDh5OJQJhrO5OJQJhpq5OJQJhRx56CJOJQJh5CJOJQJh"hCJOJQJhOJQJhShS5CJ h5CJh_hS56CJOJQJh56CJOJQJhRx56CJOJQJaJhv56CJOJQJaJht56CJOJQJaJhm56CJOJQJaJh~hCJOJQJi j k s RL@L7 $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gdG $Ifkd$$Ifl\v8 02 <2 2 <2 4 laytB RL8L/ $$Ifa$$H$If^H`a$gdG $Ifkd$$Ifl\v8 02 <2 2 <2 4 laytB RL@L7 $$Ifa$ $$Ifa$gdG $Ifkd$$Ifl\v8 02 <2 2 <2 4 laytB   RE==;5$If$a$gd_ $&d P a$kdg$$Ifl\v8 02 <2 2 <2 4 laytB  C E y { % ϾwhUB%h"hhoB*CJOJQJaJph%h"hG B*CJOJQJaJphh"hhoB*CJaJphh"hhoCJaJhhoOJQJ hho5 hpq5 hifU5&h_hS56CJOJQJ^JaJ h1y56CJOJQJ^JaJ hho56CJOJQJ^JaJ hRx56CJOJQJ^JaJh5CJOJQJh"h CJOJQJh OJQJ  = C D E M s F@$Ifkd4$$Ifl\Zh8 02 2 <4 laytM $Ifgdpq 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