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Therefore, the advisor input is essential in helping the OTA Committee (OTAC) decides. Please, recognize deserving students, but be objective in your evaluation, as this optional award should only acknowledge exceptional graduates of our Program. Notes: 1) Joint-theses are NOT eligible for the OTA. 2) Nominated students who do not turn in a completed thesis NLT the first week of the quarter following graduation will be removed from consideration.  Faculty Name: _______________________________________________ ( Advisor ( Co-Advisor (Check relationship to nominated student) Student name Thesis title Thesis abstract (200 words or less) Advancement of Theory and/or Application in Field: Relevance of Thesis to DoN/DoD: Significance of Thesis Methodology and Results:  Overall quality of written thesis document (including grammar, etc..)Please indicate whether you already have reviewed a significant draft of the thesis: _Yes, __NoOverall quality of the oral presentation Follow On Planned:(i.e. Presentation, Publication, or Application):Quality of research thesis effort: On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the best, this student efforts are to be rated as:  Advisor Opinion form (Please select one option for each question) Strongly agreeAgreeNo strong opinionDisagreeStrongly disagreeNot applica-bleStudent was a self starter Student was an innovative thinkerStudent actively contributed in setting the direction of the researchStudent independently derived and proposed solutions to the research problem under studyStudent was responsible for major improvements/changes in research directions. Student was able to self-evaluate the accuracy of the results obtainedStudent was able to validate the results independentlyStudent conducted a complete literature search of the research topicStudent gained a good overall understanding of the research area from the beginning, as a result of the literature search conducted. Students software implementation is of high qualityStudents hardware implementation is of high qualityStudent is aware of the limitations and drawbacks of the final research workThesis written document is of high qualityOverall quality of the research work is in the top 10% of graduates previously advised  Additional Comments: ECE Department Outstanding Thesis Award Nomination procedures and timelines It is the advisor responsibility to insure the information is turned in by the deadline shown below. ActionDeadlineAdvisor nominates student by returning the above completed nomination form to Ms. Alice Lee in electronic form. End of 3rd week of graduating quarterOTA Committee selects ECE nominees. End of the 4th week of the graduating quarterSelected student(s) provide biography, thesis title, advisor name, thesis abstract (200 words or less)End of the 5th week of the graduating quarterNomination packages forwarded to PresidentEnd of the 6th week of the graduating quarterAdvisor evaluates final thesis documentEnd of 1st week of quarter following graduationOTA Committee representative evaluates final thesis document. No more than 10% of graduating students will receive this award.End of 2nd week of quarter following graduation     PAGE  PAGE 1 Effective 01/01/06, Last updated, 12/6/05, MPF +jnz  ) X c n G X ] ɺۭylyl\Olylyylyylh+z56CJOJQJhy~hC56CJOJQJhy~hCCJOJQJhy~h*CJOJQJhy~h*5CJOJQJhy~hC5CJOJQJh*5CJOJQJh*5>*CJOJQJh|H5>*CJOJQJaJ"h|HhC5>*CJOJQJaJ"h|Hh*5>*CJOJQJaJh|Hh*CJOJQJaJh*:j X Y & ' ( h smm H[kd$$Iflk ))04 lal HL$If^Lhh$If^h`h$ Ha$$^a$ ] ^ ` c % & ' ( 5 h i u v 479YZ\/158:<eζζΓζζΌζ~ζqhy~hy~CJOJQJhCh*5CJOJQJ hy~5>*hy~5CJOJQJh*CJOJQJ jUh*5CJOJQJh*5CJOJQJh*5>*CJOJQJ h*5>* hC5>*hy~hy~CJOJQJhy~hCCJOJQJh+zCJOJQJ,h gqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal H$If  !H$If H ^`  H$Ifqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal 45678 H$Ifqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal89YZ[ H$IfqkdJ$$Ifl0)!04 lal[\}}}}} H$If$Ifqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal;} H$If$Ifqkdx$$Ifl0)!04 lal;<fgz H$If $IfgdCqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lalefgh()+-.pr W^\cszĺ{vkvbbbbbbbbbbh*5OJQJh*5CJOJQJ h*5h*OJQJ hw 5>* h*5>*h*CJOJQJh*5>*CJOJQJh*5CJOJQJ hC5>*hCCJOJQJhChCCJOJQJhChCCJOJQJaJ hy~5>*hy~CJOJQJhy~hy~CJOJQJaJ&ghz H$If $IfgdCqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal()* H$Ifqkd=$$Ifl0)!04 lal*+,.pqr{zqqqqqqq $$Ifa$$If$a$ Hqkd$$Ifl0)!04 lal 0***$Ifkdk$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If   0***$Ifkd>$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4  $IfWXY0***$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4YZ[\]$If]^0***$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If0***$Ifkd $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If\]^0***$Ifkd $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4^_`ab$Ifbc0***$Ifkd] $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If0***$Ifkd0 $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$Ifstu0***$Ifkd $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4uvwxy$Ifyz0***$Ifkd $$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If0***$Ifkd$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4?Fqx/=>?%&/1MNdhsĵ|th_hQhth_hh1-ha5H*OJQJh1-5OJQJh1-ha5OJQJhaOJQJh|Hh}iCJOJQJaJh|Hh^CJOJQJaJh|Hh|HCJOJQJaJhjCJOJQJaJh|HhaCJOJQJaJh|HhjCJOJQJaJhjOJQJhy~OJQJh*OJQJh*5OJQJh*5CJOJQJ$If?@A0***$Ifkd|$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4ABCDE$IfEFqrs0***$IfkdO$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4stuvw$Ifwx0***$Ifkd"$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4$If0! `0h 0!kd$$Ifl4֞N g %)N 04 lalf4>?"$ `0h 0!$Ifa$gd1-l $ `0h 0!a$gd1- `0h 0! 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